Chapter 7

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I must say I'm happy for Ansel. My wish came true. He won the award but Hero... When they announced the winner, the look on Hero's face sadden me but the smile on Ansel's face over powered it.

As planned, me and Ansel are at his place to celebrate on our success.
"Hey, what's up?"
Ansel snapped his finger on front of my face pulling me out from my thoughts.
I look at my hands as he look at me curiously, waiting for my answer. I sigh and shake my head.
"It's just...just that I feel sad for Hero. It's been so long but seeing him sad in the show affects me. Not the way it use too but still. I don't wanna feel this way towards him. It won't help me. It will only hurt me more." I pathetically accepted.

He put his index finger under my chin, forcing me to look at him. His eyes hold a soft gaze for me as he sadly smiled and commence.
"It's alright to feel that way. He's your first love. It's hard to forget about him. I know. If you love someone with your whole soul and heart, you can't forget about them. He was your first for everything. It's okay. You can't get over your first love that easily and it's impossible to forget about them because everything will just remind you of them. It will take time but eventually you'll move on.."

I slowly nod my head and flash him a small smile.
"Look at me. The girl I love, loves someone else. She don't even know about my feelings. I love her and care about her a lot. She's my everything. I can't even tell her about my feelings because I'm scared she'll stop talking to me...." He drift off looking at his lap as he let go my hand. This time I tried to show him some courtesy.
"Why don't you try to confess? Who knows maybe she likes you too? Beside who is this girl?" I nudged him and slyly smiled at him. A blush erupt on his face making me double over my laugh. He narrow his eyes. I tried to control my laugh and sit back.
"Okay come on. Tell me who is she? Do I know her?"
He nod his head.
"I can't tell you about her but you do know her the best. Better than me but I won't tell you the name, neither I'm describing her features."
I suspiciously look at him and nod my head.
Someone I know better than him, who is she, man?
"Okay. Don't tell me though at least you can confess? Maybe she'll say yes? And why would any girl will reject you?"

He mumble something under his breath.
"Nothing. Do you really think she'll say yes?"
He narrow his eyes at me.

I don't know why-perhaps his been single since I got to know him or it is because I've grown to like him but him telling me that he likes a girl. I jus-I don't like it. I'm not liking it.

I don't know what it is that I feel for him. Maybe I lov-no I don't love him. Maybe like? Maybe I like him...probably?

I totally forgot that Ansel was also in front of me before he snap his finger in front of my eyes.
"Earth to Jo."
For the first time today I genuinely looked at him and he really is handsome. His hazel eyes. The way they always hold a soft gaze for me. His perfect features. His perfect personality. Why would a girl reject him? For the first time today I really saw him and he's very handsome.
"Did you even heard what I was saying?"
He hesitantly ask.
"Umm yes-I mean no. Im sorry. I just drift off."

He lower his head and muttered something under his breath. Something like 'it' that's the only word I got. Before his pressed his lips on mine. Before I could comprehend what happened his broke the kiss. He look at me. The softness is still there but it's now accompanied by love.

It's me. It's me who he love. Oh my fucking god!
"Shit..I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do that. I'm sorry."
I place my hand on his and look at him.
"Do you regret it?" I softly ask him.
"No- I mean I should've ask you before I did it. I'm sorry. I don't want this to ruin our friendship. Please don't let it affect our friendship."
His eyes hold a thing in it that make me wanna kiss him so hard.
"Are you?"
He shot me a confused look.
"Are you really sorry though?"
"No-I mean yes I'm."
I shake my head.
"No, you aren't."
I lean in and slam my lips against his.

Hehe..what do you think? I haven't updated in so long and I'm sorry for that. I don't know what the fuck I'm writing but I'm. I ain't overthink it. I just wrote down what comes to my mind.Well well I hope you like it and don't forget to vote and comment.
And follow me for more updates!
Love you guys!

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