Chapter 32

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Honestly she's the only one that's watching over me
Gives me oxygen when it gets hard to breathe
And if I'm wrong or right
She's always on my side
And if I lose the fight
I know she'll bring me back

Hero Finneas Tiffin

A gasp left my mouth as I stare at her with widen eyes.
My heart is beating-No-pounding in my chest.

Did I hear it right?
She said she love me?
She said she love me?!

My lips broke in a ridiculous grin as I stare at her with heart eyes.
And pull her small frame into my chest and hug her tight.

"Please tell me this is not a dream

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"Please tell me this is not a dream."
I whisper in her hair.
Stroking her back.
Pulling her as close as possible.

A soft chuckle left her mouth.
Allowing me to hear her sweet little chuckle after so long.

My heart melt.
As I inhale her intoxicating scent.

My body instantly came back to life.
As her warm body was pressed against mine.
Bringing me back to the life.
Giving me the ray and hope to live again.

"Please tell me you love me and this is not a dream."

Even though she just said she loves me.
My heart can't seem to accept the fact that she just told me and this is not a dream.

It's too good to be true.
The cruel destiny can't be this good to me.
It feels like a dream.
A dream, my heart is denying to accept.
I'm scared that she'll leave just like she did last time.
Saying it was mistake and leave me like a trash after using me again.

"I love you, Hero."
My heart came to halt as she whisper those three words against my chest.
Burying her face further in my chest.

I can't explain how good this feels.
Feeling her body pressed against mine.
Her face buried in my chest.

I grab hold of her face gently and pull it away from my chest.
My gaze met with her amazing grey-blue one.
Her soft eyes holding love this time.

"Please say it again.."
I almost begged.
She softly smiled at me and oblige.
"I love you, Hero."


"I love you."

"One more time."

"I love you."

"Last one."


I crazily reciprocate her smile.
"I love you, Josephine."
I lean in and connect our lips.

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