Chapter 21

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If I could replay, I would've never let you go- I should've kissed you by one direction.


My eyes widen open as a sudden shade of darkness coated my eyes. Trying to comprehend what the fuck just happened. It took me while to understand that my phones ringing and all of this was a dream.

I snap my head and pick it up.
"Merc?" I mumbled while panting. Hoping it's something good, if she's calling this late.
"Jo?! Jo he woke up!!" She squeal. I cringe and pull the phone away from my ears because of her high pitch voice.
"Lower your voice. You'll make me go deaf." I sigh.
"Jo he woke up!" I furrow my brow.

My eyes widen as my brain cell started working and I comprehend whom she is talking about.
"Ohmygod! He woke up! How is he?! Is he alright?!" I scream in the phone. Without acknowledging that Ansel is awake because of my screaming.
"Jo? What happened?!" He ask in panic.
I smile.
"Nothing. Hero woke up!" I squeal. Not being able to contain my enthusiasm. He smile at me and encase his arms around me. I hug him back.
"How is he, Mercy?" I ask anxiously yet happily.
"I don't know that yet. The doctors are checking him right now." I nod understandingly and bite my nails.

I wanna see him.

"Alright. I'm on my way." I said and proceed to hung up until she said.
"No no no the visiting hour are over. You won't be allowed here. Come by in morning?"

I sadden a little hearing this but...I can't do anything about it. Rules are rules.

"Okay. I'll come by morning with Ans." I replied and hung up. Little upset that I wasn't the first person he laid eyes on when he open his eyes.

"How is he?" I sigh and smiled happily at him.
"We don't know yet. The doctors are checking him. Can we stop by morning there?"

"Sure." I laid on the bed and he wrap his arms around my waist and nuzzle his head in the crook of my neck.
"I'm so happy he's awake."
"Me too." He mumble. He sounded little upset however I didn't paid much attention to it.

I completely forgot about the dream after the news.
I slept with a smile on my face after so long.

~~Next morning~~

I woke up with more enthusiasm than I usually do however Ansel seems little upset. I don't know why tho?..Did I do something?
I just shrug it off—don't feel like feeling low when I'm meeting Hero.

I dress up and got ready and we take off.
The whole drive my mind was filled with our vivid memories. That are impossible to forget. Only this time there wasn't a single tear in my eye while reminiscing my memories with him—there was a smile on my face.

"You seem very happy." Ansel snapped me out of my daze. I looked at him and smiled wholeheartedly—which he reciprocated with half heartedly.
"I'm. I'm happy that he's awake." I declare. Not afraid to express my ecstasy.
He flash me a small smile and look forward towards the road.

However as we reach the hospital the smile on my lips turn into a frown.
I never called Mercy to ask how he is—Is he alright? Is there something major to worry about? He isn't suffering anymore, is he?

Pounds of question hit me like a wave and all my happiness swept off by fear and worry.
"Hey you alright?" I just nod my head and walk off to the hospital.
Thank god paparazzi isn't here. They would just make the situation more worse.
Ansel followed closely behind me. As I reach his floor—Mercy came into my view. However she doesn't seem very happy. I walk over and hug her.
"Hey how are you?"
"I'm fine."
Ansel shook his hand and ask her about her well-being.
"How's Hero? Can I see him?" I ask. The smile caving his way back on my lips.
However it doesn't seem to please her as much as it pleases me.
"He-he's okay right?" I hesitantly ask. She looked down and nod her head. Tears building up in her eyes. I cup her cheeks.
"Hey, he's alright, isn't he?" I softly ask her with a small smile on my face. Even though my heart is crumbling inside.
"He-he's alright but-
"But what?" Ansel ask getting impatient.
"Only physically." She stated. My hands drop to it's former place as my body went numb trying to comprehend what she mean by only physically.
"Wh-what do you me-mean?" I stutter.


I was suppose to post before going to sleep but I'm posting after coming from school.
What do you think it means? Is he in coma? Forgot his past? Or worse?
Anyway, vote, comment, share and follow me.
All the love

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