Chapter 35

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I gave a song paragraph to each POV !
Song is Photograph by Ed Sheeran!
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So you can keep me
Inside the pocket of your ripped jeans
Holding me closer 'til our eyes meet
You won't ever be alone

Hero Finneas Tiffin

It's been few months since that event took place. I wouldn't say everything is back as it was's slowly going back to how it was and I couldn't be more happier.

Having another chance with Jo? I can't believe it's happening. There was a time when having another chance with her was something I could only dream of but she's slowly getting normal and comfortable with me.

As of Ansel. He's currently taking therapies. After everything..he was the one who lost the one he loved...let's just say he was mentally troubled. Jo talk to him every now and then.. I talk with him sometime.
If you're thinking I get jealous or something over Jo talking with Ansel.

Then You're Wrong.

Because let's get this thing straight. He's the person because of whom I got my love, my breath back.
I care for him. He's like my best mate.

I can't thank him enough.

But there's this one thing which keep bugging me. She hadn't said those words yet. Even when I told her I love you she didn't said back.
Which I totally understand. She need time..which I'm willing to give her. She deserve it.

She was so upset with everything that happen. Things were going down between us..we were at the place where I felt that she'll leave me and be with Ansel cause she love him more..but that was just me being me.

Slowly slowly she begin to open up to me. I still remember that night vividly..when she broke down in my arms and let out her pain.

It was very hard to see her like that. I couldn't decipher what to do. So I just wrap my arms around her and let her out her pain whole night.

Everything started to get back normal after that night.
Next day I took her to Ansel place. When we found out about Ansel's health. He was in rehab for a month before he was allowed to leave but under observation and slowly we forced him to go to therapy.

He wasn't sure about it before but eventually agreed and he's in better place now.


Loving can hurt, loving can hurt sometimes
But it's the only thing that I know
When it gets hard, you know it can get hard sometimes
It is the only thing makes us feel alive

Josephine Langford

I never thought I'll ever be back with Hero but here I'm. Living in the same place as him.

I miss Ansel but I talk with him everyday. After the day when I found him drunk in his house I blamed everything on me.
I think somehow it was my fault. I was at the fault here. Completely.

If only I could clear out my feeling for him and Hero. He wouldn't have to be in the place he was few months ago.
I risked three lives just because I couldn't comprehend my own feelings.

Though this event made such a drastic change in my life.
The old Josephine wouldn't be able to handle it.
I became stronger mentally and physically.

I can't remove the night from my mind when Hero said I love you to me. I didn't said it back. It's not because I don't love him or something.. I do.

It's just that my mind is not allowing my heart to trust him this fast and easily. I love him and want to say it back but I just can't find it in me to say it back.

I reckon I would blame it on everything that happened.

And if you hurt me
Well, that's okay, baby, only words bleed
Inside these pages, you just hold me
And I won't ever let you go

Ansel Elgort

Well who would have thought I would be better again? But I'm.
Because of her. She took care of me and bought me back to normal.

It still hurts to see her with him but she's happy. That's all I want.

The first month was the worst for me and mostly blur. I was almost drunk every time of the day.

My world just stopped after she left. The house was suffocating me. I was almost dead. If I wasn't...I'm sure the alcohol I consumed would have killed me.

But she saved me. She's my Angel. Who saved me and bought me back to the life.

I'm in a better place now.

As for my love life. I don't think I'll able to give my heart to anyone else. I loved her truly madly deeply.
Even if she isn't in my life the way I want her to be..she'll always be in my heart until the day I die.


Forgive me please my lovers. 🙂🙂
I was so freaking busy with my schoolwork and tuition work I don't get time for myself. Now that I had few days off I didn't studied and now I guess I have to study harder cause my finals are due in 5 months and i need to study really hard. So please bare with me updating late.

Anyway, I hope you like the chapter. Make sure to vote, comment, share and follow me!

All the love
Isha. 💞

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