Chapter 31

393 38 15

I wrote this with tears in my eyes, headache and my nose running due to cold and fever 🥶🤧🤧so you guys better vote and comment and also enjoy!

When the night is coming down on you
We will find a way through the dark


Josephine Langford

"Famous Actor Hero Finneas Tiffin was seen leaving a bar in drunken state with a beer bottle in his hand again.

"Famous Actor Hero Finneas Tiffin was seen leaving a bar in drunken state with a beer bottle in his hand again

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It's the fourth time this week!"

I switch the TV off.
Does this guy even care about anyone anymore?
What is he doing?
He's ruining his whole goddamit career!
If he doesn't care about him at least think of your fans?
How they must be feeling after all of this?
Seeing their idol drunken, leaving the bar with beer bottle in his hand, stumbling on road and facing death.

Why is he doing this to himself?
He's only making things hard for himself.
If things keep going on like this, he'll ruin his fucking life!

I need to talk to him.
I need to.

I stood up from the couch, grabbed my phone and purse with my car keys and head out.

"Ans! I'm going out! Don't wait for me!"


Before he could reply I slam the door shut.

I'm fuming from rage.

Who does he think he's?
Why is he doing this to himself?
Why can't he let me live in peace for once?!

I slam the car door shut and roar the ignite alive as I drove in full speed. Ready to remove my rage on him.

Even though, I don't want to admit it.
I know.
I know somewhere in my heart that the reason for his state is me and Ansel.
Our wedding.
I'm just too selfish to leave the only constant relationship in my life.

I pull the car in the parking lot and head to his door.
The house seem so quite from outside.

"Hero! Open the fucking door!"
I bang on his door.
Screaming loudly with anger evident in my voice.

I kick the door with my leg when I heard a clash from the backyard.
I ran to the backyard in horror.

What was that?!
Is it a robber?
Is Hero even home?
What the fuck I was thinking when I decided to come here?!

In state of horror I pick the rock from the ground.
As I slowly pad to the backyard.
Breathing heavenly.

With my arms raised in the air and my body on alert I step in the backyard. There was a silhouette sitting near the pool.

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