Chapter 8

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Everything is going great between me and Ansel. I'm happy he kissed me on that day. After that day I feel like maybe...maybe there's a chance that I'll move on from Hero. Maybe there will be some day when I'll really love Ansel. Where...when I'll see him my heart will stop. My breathing will get ragged. Where, he'll make my mind go crazy just by his one smile. His eye contact will make my legs wobble and his voice will melt my heart and feel like song in my ears...

About Hero....I don't know anything about him. I haven't talked with him yet. I know he'll be broken or maybe will pretend to be broken but he isn't a saint. I don't know how i'mma telling him about me and Ansel but I'll have to. I mean we aren't officially dating yet but perhaps soon we'll.

I sigh and took a last glance in the mirror, checking out if I missed anything. I'm going on a date with Ansel. I hope today he'll ask me to be his girlfriend. Thinking about him warms my heart.

Josephine's outfit 👌👌

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Josephine's outfit 👌👌

To be honest I never realised that I like Ansel. It never crossed my mind that maybe I like him. Until he told me that he like a girl and want to live with her. I was jealous until he told me I was the girl. The girl in his life. The girl he like and talk about all day. I'M 'THE GIRL' IN HIS LIFE. And I hope it stays that way.

I glance at the clock. It's 7:30. He'll be here anytime now as on cue my doorbell rang. I took my purse and rush towards the door.

As I open the door my breath got stuck in my lungs. He look so goddamn cute and sexy in the tuxedo.

Ansel's outfit👌👌(isn't he handsome?😌😌)

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Ansel's outfit👌👌(isn't he handsome?😌😌)

"Gawking much, aren't we?" He chuckle.
"Sorry." I mumble as my face redden in embarassment.
"You're cute." He place his hand out for me to hold. I gladly took it and walked with him to his car. Range rover. He open the door for me.
"Thank you."
I sat in the car and adjust my dress as Ansel jog to the drivers door and settled down.

"Can you turn on the radio?"
"Hm hmm" he nod his head. The one thing I like about him is that he never denied anything I ask him to do. From turning on the radio to helping me with my career. He was always there for me. Whenever I called for him, he was standing in front of me in matter of seconds. That's the thing I love about him. He's very genuine and sweet person.

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