Chapter 6

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I'm so glad she didn't only consider about giving me a chance but really gave me chance. I know I don't deserve it. But my selfish ass is happy that she still loves me and gave me chance.

I know if I was in her shoes than I would've never seen my face ever again. I would've despise me so much that even if I was suffering through death I wouldn't see my face. I would have hated myself that much.

Anyway, she gave me chance. I know she don't trust me as much as she did before and I want her to trust me, have faith in me like before and I'll do anything to do gain her trust back.

You know, for a moment when she said that she'll give me chance, my heart stopped beating, my mind went blank, my hand started sweating.

It's so good to be true. My heart wanted to believe it but my mind was doubting it. That it was too good to be true. When she grab my hand. I can't explain how I felt. The butterflies in my stomach came alive. I was on cloud nine.

When I dragged her in the bathroom. I was petrified that she'll slap me across my face and tell me to fuck off. I was having second thoughts but I'm happy I tried to apologise. I've my love back. My breath, my heart, my soulmate, my everything. I got her back. She's back in my life. I can't explain how hard it was for me to survive without her. When I saw her with that fucking Ansel, how my blood boiled. How I use to see red whenever I saw his hand around her waist on the TV. The way the pang of jealousy would heat made me wanna go and bury him six feet deep in the ground.

I'm sad that I didn't get to sit with Jo alone because that Ansel is sitting beside her. He whisper something in her ear and they both started laughing. How I wish it was me making her laugh instead of him. I would sit with her rather than being stuck with Inanna here. I don't know what I ever saw in her that I cheated on Jo with her. Jo is hundred times better than her. She's more kind, polite, soft and mainly if she cares for you, she'll do anything for you. She know how to treat people with kindness. Whereas Inanna is just a bitch. Who is obnoxious, and bitch. Who is so obsessed with herself that she don't have time for others. She's so fake, whereas Jo she's so pure.

I turn my head to my left to see that Inanna's hands wrap around my arms. I look at her and raise an brow.
"We gotta pretend remember? Management told us." She hiss. Ohh offcourse. Fucking Management. I roll my eyes and turn my attention back to Jo. She didn't even notice me talking to her. She's so busy talking with him.

Suddenly she stop talking and turn her attention towards the stage. I turn my heads in the same direction. They are showing the nominees for Best Actress.
They call some other celebrities to give the awards. They open the envelope in which there's the name of the winner.
"And the award goes to......"
Why the fuck is he creating suspense?
"JOSEPHINE LANGFORD!" He scream. She jump up from her sit, screaming and jump in Ansel arms. I got up to hug her but she just went off to stage.

I would be lying if will say that it didn't hurt me. I awkwardly sat down after being embarrass in front so many people. My cheeks heat up from embarrassment. I look down at my lap until I heard her voice.
"Oh..oh my god...I don't even have a speech prepared. I didn't thought that I'll even get another Oscar. I would like to thanks my fans and my best friend Ansel. If it wasn't for him I wouldn't be standing here in front of you guys and saying all this things and offcourse my fans. So yea.... thank you everyone for everything..." The whole speech that stupid grin was plastered on her face. I'm happy that she won the award.

As she came back she still have that stupid grin on her face. She came and stand in front of me.
"I'm sorry I just ran off." She said and hug me. I nod my head and hug her back. The butterflies in my stomach came alive again. My heartbeat bagan to increase. Relief washes through my body as I know that she care for me.

Today after 8 years I got to see that bubbly Jo again. The one who was always happy and was careless. Who knows how to enjoy life. Little did I know, the change in her personality was because of me. If it weren't for me cheating on her, there wouldn't be any Ansel in our life. I would have married her and we probably would have kids. I know I'm thinking too much. Hehe.

I just hope I'll win the best male actor award. So that I can have Jo with me for celebration. So that I would be able to celebrate with her.

The same person open up another envelope. It was time for best male actor.
Please let it be me. Please. Please.....

I pray to god.
"And the award for best male goes to....."
What's with this guy creating suspense? Can't he just fucking spill it already?

My heart drop. The person I didn't wanted to win, won over me. Just like that he'll win Jo's heart and I'll be left with nothing. My heart sink as he hugged everyone and went to stage. I didn't get bother to clap or get up and appreciate his success.


Hey guys! So I realised I've a fanfiction to write. Here's the another chapter.

Tell me what you think?
Do you think Hero is selfish for not feeling happy? Is he being that over protective Jerk?

Anyway, click on the star at the bottom in left and comment!
Defo follow me!
Good night!

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