Chapter 13

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She'll love you, If you love her like that- If You Love Her/ Forest Blakk


I croak out. He's eyes are red and puffy but I can't comprehend whether it's from crying or alcohol. His system is drain in alcohol and that's not good because drunk Hero isn't the best. Does this guy care about his reputation? For fuck sake he's a fucking actor! What the hell his fan would think about him? What if the paparazzi saw him? It will be the headline of the news tomorrow morning.
'Famous actor, Hero Finneas Tiffin was seen walking drunk on the middle of the road'

He didn't said anything and just keep on looking at me until a tear roll down his eye. I place my hand on his cheek and wipe off the tear with my thumb.
"Hero, why are you crying? Jesus you're freezing! Come inside!" I pull him inside and close the door behind me. I went in the kitchen and got him a glass of water to sober him up.
"Here, drunk this."
I hand him the glass. He finished it in one gulp.
I took the glass from him and place it on the table.
"What's wrong, Hero? Why are you here? And why are you crying?" I place my hand on his shoulder and ask him softly. As much as I want to hate him, there always will be a part in me, who'll love him. Who'll care for him. Who won't be able to see him cry.
"Why,Jo? Why?" He ask me. His voice raspy than usual, perhaps from crying.
I furrow my brow in confusion.
"What do you mean?"
"Why? Just when you agreed, that you'll give me a second chance, why did you ran to him? Just when I saw a glimmer, a silver hope, of getting you back in my life, why did you went to him and broke my heart? Why? Tell me?"

My heart stop. I knew this was coming but this early? I'm not ready for this conversation.
I look down on the floor.
"I'm not having this conversation with you." I mumble and turn around to leave but before I can step forward. My body was pushed against the wall harshly.
"What the-
I felt a sharp pain in my lower abodmen.
"You're not leaving without answering my questions." I whisper. His lips dangerously close to mine. His eyes dead silent. I'm quite afraid.
"Tell me why? Why did you do this to me? Why?! Tell me goddammit!" He bang his hand against the wall beside me. My whole body shook up from his aggressive action. I took a deep breath as I felt my breath getting shorten.
"Look Hero. Calm down. Please."
"No! Tell me now!" He yell as tear spill down his eye. I know the truth will hurt him but he did this to himself. I can't help it but I'm still feeling guilty for playing with his feelings. But what he did was wrong too. I pushed him away with my whole strength. He stumble back and look at me with hurt expression.
"Because I wanted revenge. I wanted to hurt as much as you hurt me. Remember the award function? When you told me Inanna was just a stunt? I knew you were lying. I knew, you were still in relationship with her and most prominently, it isn't a stunt because Katherine already told everything!"

"Why did you guys never told me that Hero was cheating on me?" I ask. As Katherine sat in front of me. Desperate to reconcile her relation with me.

She looked down on her lap and started fiddling with her fingers. I sigh and look at her. 

"I don't know why..but i just didn't. I don't know, everytime, I thought  about telling you, somehow anyone of them would persuade me, that if I'll say truth in front of you, then you're heart will get broken and all because of me. I didn't wanted to be the one, who hurt you. For God Sake, you're my sister! He told us, that he loves her and want to spend his life with her and eventually, he'll tell you but he didn't . We never knew, she was just a thing for him. They're always on and off. She loved him. She truly loved him. She's madly in love with him. Ever since you left him, he's playing with her feeling...All I know is that, we just wanted you to be happy and our target was to keep you happy and not sad and depressed. I swear Jo, it wasn't our intention to hurt you. I tried to explain it, we all did but you were so furious with us, that you didn't listen to us and eventually we dropped it. I'm sorry, I should have told you about it." 

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