Chapter 33

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You tell me that you're hurt and you're in pain
And I can see your head is held in shame,
But I just wanna see you smile again
See you smile again

Through The Dark

Josephine Langford

I stare at him in horror.

What have I done?

I turn my head towards Hero but he's looking at Ansel.
With agony?

Ansel took small steps towards us.
A small smile on his face.
Eyes filled with agony and betrayal.

Tears welled up in my eyes.
As it hit me that I broke his heart.
Something I swore I wouldn't do to someone.
Especially by cheating on them.

I did exactly the same.
I'm no better than him.


He hold his hand up interrupting me between my statement.

"Don't explain."

Tears spill out of my eyes as I stare at him in guilt.

"I'm sorry."
I mutter and look down on the ground.

My heart crumbling inside my chest for what I did to him.

"Hey! Don't be sorry."
He whisper-yell.
He cup my cheeks and tilt my heads up.
Making eye contact with me.
I lean in his touch and close my eyes.
Allowing the tears to fall fearlessly.

I don't know why...but I feel this sting in my heart.
Perhaps at some points I loved him.
I did.

"I cheated on you, Ans. I should be sorry. I hurt you."
I whisper hoarsely.

He look down.
Pretending to contemplating.
He let out a low chuckle through is mouth.
"Saying I'm not hurt by this would be false statement but at some point I knew this would happen."
He slowly whisper.

Hero is long forgotten in this situation.

"What do you mean?"
This was Hero.

He took a deep breath and let go of my face.
Flashing a smile towards me.
He look at him with glossy eyes.
Licked his lips and commenced.

"What I mean is...that at some point in my heart I knew this would happen. I knew you both will end up together. I knew from the start she never stopped loving you but I thought maybe...just maybe I'll be able to make her fall in love with me? But I failed."

He chuckle and kick the small stone on the ground. Placing his hand in his pocket.
"Deep down in my heart I always knew that she'll always love you but I took my chance and tried but failed. I knew in my heart that she's not a constant star. Just take care of her? Yea?"

He tilt his head and look at him with questioning gaze.

I can tell he's trying so hard to come of strong but he's breaking inside.
Because of me.
I hurt him.

Hero shook his head in agreement and look at me.
I just flash a small smile.

Ansel Elgort

I inhale a deep breath.
Preparing myself to let the only person I love so ardently leave me.
I look at her.
Her tears blemish face.
Her lips quivering as she looked at me with guilt filled eyes.

I guess at some point we both knew this would happen.
Where she'll forgive him.

She thinks I don't know about the kiss at the funeral but I do.
I saw it just never bought it up.
She was already living in so much guilt.
I didn't wanted to pour salt on her wound.

I cup her cheeks yet again and smile at her.
Gently wiping the tears away from her cheeks.
"You're too beautiful to cry. Stop crying. Or else I'll cry as well."
I hoarsely whisper.
I can feel the lump in my throat.

I can't control my tears much longer.

"Don't go Ans..."
She mutter.
I let out the breath.
The sting in my heart keep on growing more and more.

"I have to."
"But I don't want you to cut yourself outta my life."
"I'll always be there. I love you enough to let you leave for your happiness. I'm just a call away. Call me and I'll leave everything and come for you. Yea? You'll always be the most important person in my life."
As I whisper these lines a tear escaped my eyes.

That one fucking tear.
That always come out at wrong time and completely break you.
The tear that make your inner self crumble up and let your walls come down.

That one tear fall outta my eyes and I broke down. The tears streamed out my face though yet I controlled my sobs.

She began to sob once she saw me crying.
I engulf her in my arms and let her sob in my chest while my tears fall down in her hair.

I look at Hero.
Who is looking at me.
I smile at him through my agony and mouthed him to take care of her.

He smiled back and nod his head in agreement.

I close my eyes and hug her more tightly.
Savouring the moment to last long and make it vivid in memory.

"I love you. Always have and always will."

I kiss her forehead and detach myself from her.

"Ans No! No!"

I look at Hero.
Silently asking for help.
He ran and hug her close to his body.

"Ansel! No! Don't leave ....please.."

She almost beg but I didn't go turn back.
Because if I'll.
I know I won't be able to leave.

"I'm just a call away. Call me when you need me. Hero take care of her."
I said without looking their way and head back to the car.

Tears find its way on my cheek and began to stream enormously.
This time I allowed them too.
Fall freely and fearlessly.

I get in the car and began to scream and yell out my pain and agony.
Not really realising when I pass out in the car.


It's been long.
How are you guys?
Just completed my exams. Algebra and Biology were the worst!
Hope you'll are doing better.
This chapter was completed on 6th August.
Thank you for being patience with me.
I love you💙💚
Have a great day/night.
All the love

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