Say hello to 4546B

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((Yes I am working on three stories at once- fight me C: I like working at many things at once so when I'm bored of one thing I have another so I don't get burnt out :D Also, why are there no Al-An x reader stories D:<  Am I the only one that finds him attractive? Also I changed the plot a little from the actual game hope you don't mind )) 

Al-An's dialog

Robin's dialog

Your dialog

"(Y/N) you know how dangerous that planet is. There is a reason why no one is down there!" You college tried off going down to 4546B. "I know! What about Robin. For all we know she could be stranded some where and needs help. We haven't heard from her for months!" you said worried about your friend. 

"Just be careful, ok? When you're down there we don't know when we can get you back up." "Yeah yeah don't worry"

You flew down to 4546B and with your terrible luck you crashed into the ocean. Great. You swam up to an ice berg waiting for that damn pod which was taking forever to hit the water. 


Al-An and Robin stepped out of the portal finally back on 4546B or as the Architects called it Subnautica. They had been spending the last months on Al-An's planet catching up and helping rebuild it.

It was a though start with the Architects not trusting Robin but it worked out in the end. "Finally back-" Robin said stretching. "You are happy to be in an ice covered region on a planet covered in water with dangerous creatures?" Al-An returned.

"Yes, since I'm not going back to Alterra it's kind of my home now-" Robin said just now realising that 4546B was her home. "Besides now we can start on that body we talked about. Maybe Maida will help too!" Robin said excited. "I guess so" Al-An said following Robin to her sub she had built bigger so he could fit.

(( Yes I know short but I'll write the next part ASAP. This was kind of just to introduce the story fast and short the next chapter will be much longer- ))

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