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(( Oh my god. This had been getting a lot of attention. Thank you all, you have no idea how much it means to me ^^ Anyways, I fucking love the bing and google memes. Bing's energy is chaotic and I love it. Hope ya'll don't mind the memes I'm just in a chaotic mood every time I write. ENJOY~ ))

Al-An's dialog

Robin's dialog

Marguerit's dialog

Riley's dialog

Your dialog

Al-An sat in the back of your seatruck as you drove him back to Robin's base. He didn't want to go back scared of how Robin would react but you had practically shoved him into the seatruck. It had only been a day so he was still hurt and you didn't trust him with swimming back on his own, it was probably for the best. 

You and Al-An stepped out of the seatruck into Robin's base. Robin hearing the docking came running to the moonpool. As Robin rounded to corner to the moonpool you grinned, Al-An feared what would happen next. 

"So are you the one who ordered an injured space boi?" You said gesturing towards Al-An. This was gonna be a long day. 


Al-An sighed as he walked among the frost spired, walking slowly not to anger the ice worm. It had been a week since he had barged into your base injured and he had finally healed enough for you and Robin to let him out of the base. 

He wanted to see if he could get the mine he and Robin found up and working again. Also give the poor soul who had died there a proper final resting place. In a mine under some rocks wasn't a very suitable final resting place Al-An thought. 

He was ripped out of his thoughts by a scream from not to far away. He started making his way over in that direction fearing you had gotten into some trouble. 

As he exited a cave he quickly ducked back in hiding. There was a big team of people trying to ward of an ice worm. Al-An peeked out of the cave to get a better look. They hadn't noticed him yet which he was thankful for. 

As he took a closer look her saw that they had Alterra's logo on the back of their coldsuit's. Al-An sighed not wanting to deal with Alterra right now. He was also bothered because he would have to find a way to save them, even if he had to revile himself. Even though they worked for Alterra didn't mean they were bad people nor that they had to die. 

Al-An picked up a fairly big chunk of ice. He got into position and chucked it at the ice worm, gaining it's attention. After that he panicked running as fast as he could away. He might be good with science and exploring new places but faces with danger he was a coward. 

Yes he was fast in water and could swim out many creatures but that was nothing compared to the speeds he could reach on land. His legs were constructed in a way that made it easy for him to traverse in thick vegetation or in this case jump through the environment using everything from a slightly slanted ice wall to rock to propel himself through the air, gaining even more speed. 

Because of his weight the ice worm kept following him. 


Riley got up from the icy floor and looked over to a cave. He swore he saw something in there. He ignored the other trying to ward of the ice worm but only making it more angry, they wouldn't listen to him anyways. 

Yes there it was! Something peeked out of the cave looking at Riley's group. It was super tall from what Riley could see and had lights all over it's body. Everything about it screeched Architect to Riley. After his 'adventures' he had a sixth sense of sorts, he could recognise anything Architect. This was one of the reasons Alterra wanted him back on 4546B.

This thing was alive he could tell that much. Was it like the warpers?

Before Riley could ask himself more questions he saw the thing pick up a big fucking rock and chucking it at the ice worm like it was nothing. Riley gaped at the strength of the thing. After it bolted knowing the worm would come after it. 

Riley threw out his snowfox taking off after the thing, going against what the others had told him. 

Ever after he got off 4546B two years ago it had been driving him mad. Where was the Architects? What happened to them after the quarantine? Where they native to 4546B or another planet? 

The thing he saw was extremely fast. Fast and strong got that down. Even the ice worm had trouble keeping up with it. Luckily the ice worm was busy chasing the other thing so it had no interest in Riley of his snowfox. 

"Riley were the hell are you!" Riley heard one of his teammates say through they radio. "Not now!" He shouted into the radio. "YES NOW" he got back. "Look I saw something and I'm trying to follow it so stay of my ass!" Riley yelled and turned off his radio. He had missed the adrenaline-rush and  he got from this planet. 

(( Yes it is shorter than most of my chapters but I felt like it was a good spot to end here. Ya'll remember Riley? :D The janitor who saved a planet. I wanted to have Riley in this story so he could meet Al-An. Plus it felt kind of boring with the only other two characters than (Y/N) and Al-An were Marguerit and Robin. Of course Robin is important but I can't have fun with Marguerit like I can with Riley soo.. RILEY ROBINSON THE JANITOR IS ON BOARD >:D Hope you enjoyed~ ^^ ))

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