Cuddles and questions

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(( EE I'm hoping I annoyed someone with the cliffhanger on the last chapter XD I know I'm mean. Anyways I don't have much to say so ENJOY~ ))

Al-An's dialog

Robin's dialog

Marguerit's dialog

Your dialog

Al-An groaned as he woke up on something soft. He tried to remember what had happened. He had been attacked by a Chelicerate and went to you for help. He far bleeding out fast and before he could say anything to you he fainted. He looked around him and saw he was lying on your bed. 

He sat up groaning once more, everything was aching. He looked at the bed which was covered in his blood. Al-An looked down at his body and saw he was covered in many bandages, almost none of them had blood on them though so you must have closed the wounds. 

Speaking of you he looked around for you. He spotted you passed out on your desk, your snow stalker lying on top of the desk being a pillow for you. Al-An looked up at the glass celling and saw that the sun was rising, he must have been out for long.

He walked over to you not wanting you to sleep in that uncomfortable looking position. Al-An picked you up and looked at you peaceful little face as you slept, you were so tiny and cute. His good mood quickly vanished as he saw you had tear stains on your cheeks along with some of his blood. You must have been worried. 

Al-An walked back over to your bed and put you down on it and tucked you in. He kneeled down next to you and brushed some of your messy (H/L) out of your face admiring your features. He was about to leave when you held onto his arm preventing him from leaving. 

"Where do you think you are going?" you said groggily as you opened one of your eyes. "I have some questions for you" you said sitting up and holding his arms tighter gently dragging him closer to you. "I guess I do owe you an explanation" Al-An said seating himself at the side of your bed right in front of you.

You looked a little taken a back by hearing Al-An talk but quickly shook it off. "What's your real name?" you started of with your voice raspy and rubbing the tiredness out of your eyes. You must have been up all night taking care of Al-An, he smiled at that thought eve though you couldn't see it, his mouth was hidden quite well. 

"Al-An" Al-An answered. You groggily laughed at this. "So pretty much the same?" you said your arms flopping at you sides. "Yes" Al-An said in his normal monotone voice. 

"Why did you stick around with me? Like what made you want to drag me out of bed and throw fish at me everyday?" you said giggling a bit and leaning against his chest which made Al-An's heart pump like crazy. "At first I just wanted to learn more about humans since Robin was always bothered by all my questions" Al-An started, he felt you stiffen a bit when he mentioned Robin but you quickly relaxed again.  

"I don't know why I stuck around. Maybe I just enjoyed your company" Al-An said quite sure himself. "What did you learn from me then?" you asked in a curious tone. "That you hate being dragged out of bed" Al-An said making you laugh a bit. 

"But seriously, what did you learn?" you asked pushing the question. "Not much. At least I don't think so" Al-An said. "Well that's disappointing" you said against his chest. 

"How do you know Robin" you asked. "That is a long story" Al-An said unsure if you had the patience or were even awake enough to sit through it. "Well we've got time" you said grabbing a pillow and setting it against Al-An chest making him a bed. Al-An picked you up making you yelp and sat down on your bed letting you lean against him and you sat in between his legs. "Get comfortable then"

"We first met a couple days after Robin had arrived on this planet. She was searching for her sister as you know and was exploring the deep twisty bridges. At this time I didn't have a body because of the Khaara, my species can change bodies. I had sent a distress signal to different beacons in the area which gained Robin's attention. She came to the facility I was stored in and transferred me into her mind thinking she was transferring me into her PDA. At the time I didn't know the value humans have for their privacy. She was of course upset and then we worked together to build me another body. Over time we became friends and when we had made be a new body I needed to go back to my home planet to make sure my kind was still alive and I wasn't the only one left. She came with and we stayed there for some months. We came back to this planet since both me and Robin love it and made this body since I wanted to experience what it was like to be human. And then I met you" Al-An explained.

"Wow, that's a lot" you said in awe. "Told you it was a long story" Al-An said. "So you are an Architect?" you asked Al-An tracing the lights on his chest making him shiver a bit. He had been wanting you to do that again. "Yes" Al-An responded holding you in his arms. "Wow" you said leaning into his embrace. 

The rest of the day consisted of you lying on Al-An's embrace and bombarding him with questions. For some reason it didn't bother him. He loved it every time you looked up and him with those beautiful (E/C) eyes who were full of curiosity and awe. He loved it every time you said his name, it had been driving him mad the way both you and Robin pronounced his name. Al-An felt so warm and never wanted it to end.

(( Yay more cuddles :D And that section where Al-An explains how he and Robin met is a fucking eye sore 0~0 Hope the cuddles make up for the cliff hanger and I'll try and come up with another chapter -3- I hope I get the next chapter out today but I don't know. Anyways hope you enjoyed and thank you so much to everyone who takes the time to ready my stories 0u0 )) 

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