Announcement :D

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Hello :D

I know I finished this but I have been thinking-

I don't know if this is something that you guys would read but I will be writing another AL-AN x Reader. 

It isn't a sequel, it doesn't have the plot of relationships between the characters (other that (Y/N) and AL-AN) so it won't be like this one. The only thing I will reuse is AL-AN's body since I loved that giant tail-

I won't be starting it right now since I am working on a Reaper Sans X Reader (if you think that sounds like your sorta thing check it out if you want) so I will finish that other book first. But I have thought out that book so it won't take as long as this book and I am pretty sure it will be shorter too. 

Anyways I just wanted to let you all know and I will make another update when I start writing the book :D

~A panther with a keyboard

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