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(( OK I ACTUALLY HAVE AN IDEA FOR THE NEXT CHAPTERS- Don't freak out cuz I sure am. I was just sitting playing Subnautica Below Zero and running from ice worms getting ready to go don't into the crystal caves when just, LIGHT BULB. I am very happy right now -3- Also- Fred is a vibe. Anyways ENJOY~ ))

Al-An's dialog

Robin's dialog

Marguerit's dialog

Riley's dialog

Your dialog

Fred sat up in his bed groaning. He was not a morning person. He sat on the edge of his bed looking out of the newly fixed window at the side of his bed. Him and his co-workers had been sent back down to 4546B. After Sam's death they were all taken off the planet for some odd reason. 

Fred was sceptical and annoyed at the thought that he had to work with Emmanuel again. He was happy he got to drive his seatruck again though! His jobs hadn't been the same of course, he had been driving a lot more between the island and the glacial basin.

For some reason everyone was getting obsessed with the Architects, almost everything he was driving around was something Architect or something to find more Architect stuff. Didn't they have enough Architect things?

Fred didn't know why Alterra had become so obsessed with the Architects all of a sudden. Before they were taken of the planet of course they were doing Architect stuff but Alterra seemed more focused on setting up bases and getting resources.

They were also researching the Khaara at the time from what Sam had told him. Fred missed Sam. Fred wasn't told much, he was only told where he needed to go and when he needed to get there. 

Fred was also worried in all of this, many was. First Sam died in mysterious circumstances. Then Sam's sister Robin went down to 4546B to search for her. That was a year ago now and she hadn't been seen since. A couple month ago a co-worker of Robin also went down to this planet, she also went missing. Fred believed her name was (Y/N) (L/N) if his memory wasn't as bad as he feared.

Many thought this planet was cursed. Did Alterra have something to do with the disappearances? Did it have something to do with the Architects.

Before Fred could ask himself more questions he heard a knock at his door. Of course he got up to see who it was. He rubbed his eyes groggily and walked over to the bulkhead door that kept his room separated from the rest of the base. 

After he opened the door and saw that Lillian Bench was outside. There were many rumours going around about Lillian. Originally she had been taken off the project but now she was back with very high status. Many also said she had been bribed to keep things secret.

Fred had guessed that she was put back on the project because of Alterra's new obsession with the Architects. Lillian had been very interested in the Architects before they taken of the planet and always had been. She had a special understanding and way of interpreting different aspects of the Architects. Maybe Alterra changed their mind about her when they saw she could be useful.

"Oh, hey there Lillian" Fred greeted a bit surprised to see Lillian. "Good morning Fred" Lillian said with a tiny smile. "Why have I been graced by your presence today?" Fred asked curious of why Lillian was here.

"Oh Manu didn't tell you?" Lillian said. "That's odd. Well, Manu told me that some scans had picked up an odd signal and you and me were going to check it out" Lillian said excitedly. "Oh! Great let's get going then" Fred said happily, he was happy he finally had some company on his seatruck trips.


Fred and Lillian was sitting in Fred's seatruck, Fred in the driver seat and Lillian in a chair they had put into the seatruck. Lillian offered to stand but Fred knew that this trip would take a while so he insisted that they would get a chair for her to sit on. 

They had been talking about everything from the racoons of the sea aka sea monkeys to why yawning is contagious. It was weird how well they got along.  Then the subject of Architects came up. Lillian was very interested in this topic, she was like a Wikipedia page! Just spitting out facts, theories and all sorts of things.

Apparently Alterra had been picking up many Architect energy signatures and activity in bases that were thought to be long abandoned. That's why they needed everyone down on the planet again. 

"Wait, wait, wait! Hold on a seconds. You are telling me that the Architects might be alive and returning to the planet" Fred asked in disbelief turning half way around to face Lillian. "YES! It is amazing isn't it!" Lillian exclaimed. 

Fred at this point was almost completely turned towards Lillian not at all looking where he was driving. Before they could say more the seatruck came to a stop, hitting something big. Fred and Lillian was thrown forward. 

Fred lying over the control handles looked out of the window, scared to see what he hit. Fred had hit a sea creature, but this one he hadn't seen before. They must have hit it unconscious because it was slowly sinking.

Lillian and Fred shared a look and continued on to pull the creature into the sea truck. Apparently Lillian knew her work so good she could see that it breathed air just by taking a look at it.

Once the creature was in the sea truck they got a better look at it. It was way bigger than they had thought and took up all three compartment of the seatruck. It upper part looked human, or mostly human. It had vibrant lights all over his body. Fred had seen a lot of creatures but this! This was like nothing he had ever seen before.

"Do you have any idea of what it could be?" Lillian asked. "I see a lot of creatures everyday. From the smallest fishes to being chased my squid sharks, I have seen a lot. I even caught sight of a Warper once!" Fred explained. "But this... I have never seen anything remotely close to this!" Fred finished.

Lillian and Fred shared a look. They knew they were thinking the same thing. This had to be something Architect related. 

(( WHOOOO I am very proud of this chapter :D I am not adding more unique effect thingies to the dialog of people since there are already to many- But I hope ya'll liked that I added Fred. We all like Fred -3- I am still happy I got an idea what to do the next chapter :D And it was fun playing around with Fred and Lillian, I hope it didn't sound like I ship the two... Anyways hope you enjoyed and I'm gonna start with the next chapter :D and I am unsure about the lemon idk if I'm gonna write it or nah :/ ))

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