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(( still kind of laughing about the end of the last chapter XD My sense of humor is broken :D anyways hope you enjoy this chapter and thank you for reading -3- Also random shout-out to aza3697 since they called my story awesome :D ))

Al-An's dialog

Robin's dialog

Marguerit's dialog

Your dialog

Robin continued making her way up the island still chuckling a bit by what she saw earlier. She had made it to the top where she stopped and froze.


You where looking around when you found a PDA in one of the bases. Was it left behind by someone who used to live there? You were pulled from your thought by a familiar voice behind you. "(Y/N)?"

You spun around being met by the sight of your best friend. You ran over to her and almost tackled her with a hug knocking the breath out of her. "Robin!" you said happier than ever to see your best friend for the first time in months.

You and robin sat down in a hot spring talking so much you sounded like the seagulls from Finding Nemo. You and Robin tried to keep on track with catching up and knowing what the other had done the last month but kept finding each other coming back to the subject of how beautiful 4546B was. 

Robin seemed to love this planet more and more for every second. It was like she wanted to marry the damn thing how much she talked about it. She geeked out over almost every sea creature. Sea monkeys were her favorite. 

It seemed like she was avoiding talking about what she did for a certain three months but you shoved the thought away not wanting to think that way about your friend. 


You and Robin were making your way down to the dock since it was getting dark. You had decided you would meet up again tomorrow at your base. For some reason she refused the idea of you going to her base. 

Like before you didn't think much of it. 


Robin was driving back to her base in her seatruck. Her mind was split. One part of her mind was super happy to see you again and the other was worried. What would Al-An think? What would happen if Alterra found Al-An? What would Al-An do if found you? 

As Robin docked her seatruck in the moonpool she sat down on the edge her feet dangling into the water. She groaned and rubbed the temple. She heard Al-An's heavy steps coming towards her. "Hello Robin. Is something bothering you?" Al-An asked noticing Robin was frustrated. "Oh, hey Al-An. Just a headache" Robin simply answered not wanting to think and stress more over this topic. "I can tell it's more than a headache. I spent two months in your head Robin. I think I know you" Al-an said sitting down next to Robin. He did have a point.

Al-An had been a good friend to Robin ever since she met him. Yes their relationship started of a bit rocky because of the whole 'stuck in brain' mess but now he was like a brother to Robin. Once Al-An got his body it allowed them to get to know each other properly. Al-An had helped Robin get over Sam's death and Robin had helped Al-An connect with his people again. Robin would have felt like she had betrayed Al-An if she lied about you to him.

"Well, when I used to work for this company before I went down to this planet I had a best friend named (Y/N)." Robin started. "Me and her were very close and were hanging out almost everyday. She came down here to search for and she found me. I'm just torn when it comes to you, I know you have hidden from humans before and I'm just not sure if you would want her to know about you. But I feel like I'm betraying her by not telling her!" Robin ranted. 

She felt like she could tell Al-An anything. He always listened and never judged her. "Does she work for Alterra?" Al-An asked. Robin could understand that Al-An was skeptical when it came to Alterra, they would do anything for money. "Yes, the company me and her worked for worked for Alterra" Robin said resting her head in her hand her headache still pounding in her head. "Maybe in some time, I want to get to know other humans and maybe our people can work together." Al-An said. Robin perked up at this. The thought of both of her best friends together was incredible. 

Robin jumped up startling Al-An a bit. Al-an got up and followed Robin like a puppy. Robin smiled as she noticed this. Al-An has been out swimming and exploring so much lately and she had missed him. Even though he sometimes got on her nerves he was still her friend and one she cared a lot about.

She couldn't help but feel a bit suspicious though. Every time she asked him what he had been doing he just shrugged it off and said 'observing'. Yes he saw the world through human eyes now but there really wasn't so much to see that he would be out and about for a week straight. He was a super fast swimmer and could out swim most sea creatures. 

Did he know something she didn't? Did he not trust Robin anymore? A bunch of thought filled Robin's mind. She didn't notice that she had stopped walked and was biting her nails, something she did every time she was nervous. "Robin are you okay?" Al-An asked his monotone voice laced with worry, he had rarely seen her like this. "Y-yeah" Robin said not wanting to make any assumptions. 

She decided she would be keeping a closer eye on Al-An. If he was just observing the world of Subnautica she would know. If he was hiding something she would find out. 

(( Bruh why did it take me so long to write this chapter ._. Hope it isn't shitty. I'm gonna get to writing the next chapter and hope I don't take as long on that one :D ))

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