Out of hiding

951 22 1

(( ALL HAIL SPOOKTOBER! I love Halloween and it is super sad it isn't celebrated in my country D: In my country Christmas start like IN SEPTEMBER. IT sucks since my birthday is in November and I am forever shadowed by Christmas :'D It sucks how Christmas starts in September and for some reason ends at EASTER. And some people say that we just copied the USA, LIKE OTHER COUNTRIES DIDN'T! So I kinda hate my country for that . _. Anyways hope this isn't shit and ENJOY~ ))

Al-An's dialog

Robin's dialog

Marguerit's dialog

Riley's dialog

Your dialog

Al-An and Riley was walking next to each other in silence, walking very slowly not to anger the ice worm. Al-An's mind was going through every way he could present himself to Alterra in the best way possible.

He wasn't worried about not meeting their expectations he was more focused on not coming of as a threat to their business and operations. He knew humans valued money sometimes over their own health, he didn't understand why they were all so greedy.

He knew that Alterra was also greedy and had many greedy and 'stuck up' , as Riley called it, people with high status. So he needed to let them know he would not be in their way, if their project didn't include Khaara of course.

He was also frightened of what would happen after. Would you have to go back of the planet to your previous work place? Would Robin have to leave? Would Riley get punished for keeping Al-An a secret? All these thoughts raced his mind and was making him very anxious.

Al-An was ripped out of his thoughts by the screech of an ice worm. His and Riley's head snapped in the direction of the screech. Riley checked a scan and saw there were a team of Alterra's explorers at that location. They never learned did they?

"Stay here" Al-An said to Riley as he sprinted of knowing he would need to save those people. 

Riley just stood there awkwardly looking at Al-An sprint away at an extreme speed. "What am I supposed to do?" Riley asked into the air.


Al-An ran towards the group of explorers and stopped at the edge of a cave staring at the explorers trying to fight of the ice worm, not succeeding. It was to far to throw something at the ice worm to anger it and gain it's attention. Al-An didn't have the energy to out run it either, last time he just got lucky. He would have to run in and revile himself to Alterra this way.

Al-An ran in and just in time tackled some explorers out if the ice worm's way. The ice worm  screeched at the top of it's lungs, it was angry. Al-An ignored the gasp and murmur of the explorers and stood up to face the ice worm. "RUN NOW" AL-An yelled at the explorers and they luckily didn't hesitate.  

Al-An turned to the angry ice worm and questioned all his life decisions for a split moment before he booked it. He needed to get above the ice worm before he could try fighting it. Since Al-An's weight made more vibrations in the ice than the running explorers the ice worm followed Al-An instead. 

Al-AN quickly climbed a steep hill before getting thrown into the air by the ice worm. Al-An took this chance, watching the ice worm's movements. As Al-An and the ice worm started falling Al-An grabbed the ice worm's jaw and getting on top of it. As the Ice worm crashed down into the ice below Al-An pushed his leg into the ice worm's neck so when it crashed Al-An's leg broke it's neck. (Don't ask me how, it just happened . _.)

Al-An looked down at the dead ice worm, panting heavily. That makes three dead ice worm by his hands. Al-An was ripped out of his thought as he heard cheering. He looked up to be faced with the explorers he saved and Riley cheering. 


A few hours after Al-An had killed the ice worm he was in an office in the old Robotics Centre which had been rebuilt. He was in the room with Lillian, Riley and many Alterra employees with high status. Al-An was very nervous and Riley was doing most of the talking.

They had been talking mostly about how Riley knew Al-An since they were very curious about that for some reason. Riley seemed a bit on edge, Al-An knew why. He was afraid of losing his job and Al-An knew Riley loved Subnautica and wouldn't want to be taken of the water planet, even if he has to be in this 'Arctic Hell' as Maida called it. 

So far Riley had mentioned you and Robin but not Maida luckily, he did want to keep his throat after all. Al-An looking around curiously not paying attention to what was being said, he was very bored. Although he did pick up on a rhythm to the conversation.

Riley would say something, the man who was referred to as 'Manu' would be sceptic and Lillian would support Riley. A woman called Zeta Landon would be ecstatic about Al-An. The woman who he had learnt was called Indra Cormac stayed silent and listened. This happened no matter what Riley said.  Al-An found it funny. 

Al-An had completely lost track of the conversation and he was brought back down to Subnautica by hearing his name. "Why don't we let Al-An talk for himself" He heard Indra say. Al-An looked up not knowing what was going on. 

Lillian picking up on Al-An confusion made it a bit easier for him. "We would like to hear you yourself explain why your people has been hiding from us" Lillian said. 

Al-An went on to explain all his worries about how Atlerra was experimenting with the Khaara. They seemed oddly sympathetic and understanding. The rest of the day was spent with Al-An being questioned, once more. At this point Al-An begged silently that this would end so he could finally sleep.

(( The end was kind of disappointing I know (like the end of Sam's ark) but I had no other idea how to end it. I think the next chapter is going to be the last, I know, disappointing end but I honestly am pretty burnt out and have no new idea for this story so I'll just finish and start on a new one . _. Anyways hope you enjoyed :D ))

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