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(( This is what Spanish class feels like- SPANISH OR VANISH. Also Roblox is cancer and AIDS's  incest child but it must not be killed. It's both terrifying and beautiful. Also Spanish sucks :/ I love Mexico (mostly the food) and wanna go there but damn Spanish sucks. Anyways enjoy the train wreck I call a story :D ))

Al-An's dialog

Robin's dialog

Marguerit's dialog

Your dialog

You were lying in your bed looking up at the beautiful twisty bridges, cuddling with Everest when suddenly a fish slapped you in the face. Alan's signature move to tell you he wanted attention. You chuckled as you sat up looking over the moonpool seeing more fish flying across the room.  

You walked to the moonpool sitting down at the edge as usual. You had no idea why but Alan had been super clingy lately. You yelped as you felt a leathery hand drag you into the water. You didn't even have time to question anything before you felt yourself being dragged through the water. 

What the hell was Alan doing? You had no tank so what was he thinking? What did he need to desperately that he needed to drag you out into the water? You were dragged to the surface and sat down on an iceberg. You were going to yell at Alan for dragging you like that. Then you noticed he had dragged you all the way to the glacial basin. How fast was he?

What did Alan need that was this far out? You looked around confused not knowing how to react anymore. You looked at him confused wanting an explanation. He only looked at you for a second before diving into the water. You stood up and looked into the water for Alan. What the hell? Did he drag you all the way out here to leave you? Yes you knew the way back to your base but without a tank you couldn't dive down to it. Since you didn't have your PDA you couldn't contact Marguerit for help either. You were officially pissed at Alan. 

Alan resurfaced again and pulled up with him. He set the chest down next to you and opened it. Inside was a cold-suit, some food and water, a flare,  a PDA map and a cylinder container with some orange or yellow substance in it. You took out the container and looked at the substance inside, was this enzyme 42? You had seen it in the databases when you were searching for what species Alan was. 

You looked up at Alan having more questions than creatures Marguerit had killed. He only looked back at you not giving any answer like always. He picked up the map and put it down in front of you. You picked up the map not even looking at it. "Alan! What the hell is this!? Why did you just dump me here? What's going on?" You asked Alan confused, angry and cold. Alan only pushed the map forward to you once more. 

You sighed frustrated and looked at the map. It was a map of the western part of the glacial basin, the part you and Marguerit had been on when you got Everest. There was a big X on the end of the map just beyond the snow stalker territory. "Do you want me to go there?" you asked Alan pointing to the cross. Alan nodded. You flopped down on the ice tired. It was best not to question the things Alan did. He worked in mysterious ways. It seemed he had learnt how to communicate better from you but still did weird thing not giving you any sign of explanation. 

You sigh and looked over to Alan who was looking at you. "Couldn't who have waited a bit longer to drag me out of bed?" you asked feeling more tired by the second. Alan only responded with throwing the cold-suit at you, signaling you needed to put it on. You only sighed getting up and sitting down in some shallow water knowing it was too cold to change suit on land. 

You finished changing suit and put your other suit in the chest picking up the other things. "This better be for a good reason and not some sort of prank" you said glaring at Alan. He only tilted his head like a puppy playing innocent. You groaned and started walking. If he went through all this trouble couldn't he get you a snowfox or some sort of transport.


Al-An watched you walk away grumbling to yourself. He hadn't learnt much from you but something he did learn that didn't apply to Robin was that you loved to sleep and if Al-An interrupted your sleep you would get angry and salty. 

Al-An sighed as he saw you disappear out of sight on your way to the frozen leviathan. He got out off the water his tail splitting. He sat down on a rock waiting a bit, he wanted to follow you just to make sure you didn't hurt yourself. Robin had found the frozen leviathan but hadn't found enough enzyme 42 to cure the Khaara on it. He felt disgusted with himself every time he thought about that virus, one of the reasons he didn't want you to know he was an Architect.

He felt himself heat up when he thought about how you had changed before him. Robin refused to change when Al-An was in the base, why did humans have to be so confusing. Why was he feeling this way when he thought about how soft your skin looked or how beautiful you looked. Al-An was filled with question he couldn't even get an easy answer to. 

He even had question about his body. One that had confused him from day one was the stiff object in between his legs in his groin. Sometimes it was stiff sometimes soft. 

He was pulled out of his thoughts when he heard a seatruck surface and park at the dock. He quickly pushed the chest he had gotten you tools in behind some plants and rocks, knowing that the seatruck belonged to Robin. 

She got out of the seatruck and started walking over to Al-An. "There you are I have been looking everywhere for you!" Robin exclaimed clearly irritated at Al-An. He had been out all yesterday, night and this morning getting you tools. It was harder than he had expected. "What is it with you and disappearing lately!" Robin almost shouted at Al-An. It seemed like everyone was angry at him today. "I apologies" Al-An said sighing. 

"It's okay, but please tell me next time you're going out. I thought you had been eaten by a Chelicerate or something!" Robin said crossing her arms. "Robin you know very well I can handle a Chelicerate" Al-An said. One kick from his two legs could shatter a Chelicerate's skull, a gift from Maida. 

"I know, I know! But tell me next time! And come on I need your help with something" Robin said starting to walk back to her seatruck. Al-An reluctantly followed. He wanted to follow you to make sure you didn't hurt yourself or ran into trouble with snow stalkers but if he said no to Robin she would have been suspicious of him. 

(( Al-An doesn't know what a dick is :D I finally bothered to finish this chapter. I have had no ideas for so long now I finally have an idea. I also have no idea how long I want this book to be but I promise that it'll get more lovey-dovey soon! I actually have figured out how I want you to figure out what Al-An really is >:D  Hope you enjoyed and bye bye I gotta start the next chapter~ ))

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