Giants and aliens

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(( This is my third favourite meme, my first being stonks and second cursed Roblox. And why is Mario christian in this? Like bruh if a sixteen year old accidentaly gets pregananant what is she gonna do besides abortion? Having a kid at that age ruins your life and childhood. Anyways enough politics I went on a rant. Bruh I'm literally writing this at 4 AM XD. ENJOY~ ))

Al-An's dialog

Robin's dialog

Marguerit's dialog

Your dialog

You were walking on the glacial basin bored to death. You found yourself constantly thinking about Alan. You started to doubt more and more that he was a sea creature. He was way to intelligent to be some sort of fish at the bottom of the sea spending his entire life looking for food. 

The way he moved, the way he reacted to what you did, it all made him look so intelligent, at times you felt like you were in the presence of another human being. 

And besides, a sea creature wouldn't have known to find you all these things. How did he even get them? Yes the food and water was maybe easily obtainable but then there was the map and the container. You'd have to figure out more when you where done with what ever he wanted you to do. 

You looked up at a mountain seeing a cave, you had arrived. There was a tower outside the cave, Alterra had been here. 

As you walked into the cave you couldn't help but shiver, something about this place didn't seem right to you. You saw an opening walking in where you were met with something you had never seen before. A giant frozen leviathan.

You walked into the middle of the cave your gaze never leaving the frozen giant. It was bigger than any creature you had seen before, or at least in person. You sat down on the ground intimidated by the sheer size of the being in front of you. 

It had vibrant purple skin with many green pustules on it. You recognised it as Khaara pustules. Now it made sense why Alan was rushing you so much. But how did he know it was here? 

You shook your head, saying to yourself once more you'd get answers about Alan after you where done with this. The virus was more important than a confused sea creature with more intelligence than the average politician.

You got up and walked over to the elevator. There was a part of the scaffolding collapsed at the side, wonder how that happened. You took the elevator up to the second flooring and walked into the small caving in the ice, allowing you access to the giant's pustules.  

You put the container of enzyme 42 in some sort of machine and it drove over to one of the Khaara pustules, inserting the enzyme into the leviathan. You sighed in relief knowing that 4546B was safe once more. That virus was way to dangerous to be this easily accessed. You shivered as you recalled how the survivor of the Aurora incident Riley Robinson described the virus in an interview. He described it as first feeling like a normal cold and then turning into something that felt like it was eating you up from the inside. 

You had watched a lot of interview of Robinson and he had become somewhat of an idol for you. A simple janitor saving an entire planted and countless species. A unique, beautiful and horrifying planet. 

You remember how he talked about the Architect bases, how they had the loathing feeling of failure and tragedy. It had made you love everything architect and you had always wanted to meet one. Sadly they were most likely extinct due to the virus. 

They had worked so hard to stop the virus, becoming so desperate that they forced a fetus out of it's egg. You couldn't help but feel bad for the Architects. You had constantly seen them being painted as the villains even though they where just trying to stop the virus. Humans would have reacted the same way if there was such a big threat as the Khaara doing anything to stop it from bringing them to extinction. 

You scrunched your nose smelling the awful stench of the frozen leviathan. You hurried to leave the cave wanting to get as far away from that smell as possible. You were glad Alan had dragged you out of bed today. 


You were sitting on you bed waiting for Alan, you had some questions. You had luckily made it home even though you had no oxygen tank, you managed to make one using materials from one of the broken down Alterra bases on the glacial basin. 

Now you were patiently waiting to see a fish fly across the room, never thought you would be waiting for something like that. 

You sighed and looked down at Everest who was starring at you wanting attention. It seemed like Alan always showed up when you where in the middle of something. Following that fact you picked up a toy you had made for Everest and started to play with her.


Al-An was trying to sneak out of the base wanting to escape the iron clutches of Robin when she was annoyed. She had been very grumpy lately and Al-An was confused by this. Had he done something? Had he said something? Was it because he was always swimming around? 

Most likely the last. He admit he had been spending a lot of time observing you, but he couldn't help it. He always felt so warm and good around you and he couldn't get enough of that feeling. 

He had made it the moonpool where he was faced with a grumpy Marguerit Maida, why was everyone so angry today? "Are you sneaking out?" Marguerit said chuckling in disbelief. "Perhaps" was all Al-An responded with not wanting to attract Robin's attention. "Never thought I'd see the day where a super intelligent, space faring alien would be sneaking out of his house not wanting anyone to know like a teenager" Marguerit said starting to laugh, at least she wasn't angry.

"Please don't tell Robin. I'm afraid she'll feed me to a leviathan if I tell her I'm leaving" Al-An said imagining how angry Robin would be for him disappearing once more. "Don't worry big guy I won't snitch!" Marguerit said walking past Al-An. "Sides it is that time of the month so you just have to live out the week and everything will be fine" Marguerit said walking into the base. 

That time of the month?

(( I wrote this at 4 AM ._. Chapter usually take me two days- this one took me 40 minutes- anyways hope you enjoyed :D amma go sleep now- TvT ))

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