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(( Whoo here we go again :D I am proud of myself for writing two chapters yesterday and therefore I am writing another. I have nothing better to do anyways. Also I wish I could be as smug as this cat, that little kiggy is gonna fuck you up. Anyways enjoy -3- ))

Al-An's dialog

Robin's dialog

Marguerit's dialog

Your dialog

Al-An had made it out of Robin's base and was swimming towards your base when he was suddenly struck and flew into the sea floor. He groaned and grabbed it shoulder which throbbed with pain. He looked up to see what hit him and was met with a giant Chelicerate. It looked hungry and angry. 

Al-An quickly split his tail into his two legs. They where a bit hard to use under water but with a proper kick he would easily shatter it's skull. He kicked off the sea floor toward the Chelicerate ready for battle. 

The giants creature grabbed a hold of Al-An. Al-An was caught in it's mouth and was flinged around since he was too big too be swallowed whole. He was thrown against the sea floor many times and being picked back up, not getting a chance to take control.  

Al-An saw an opportunity and positioned himself so he was holding it's mouth open his legs on each of it's lower mandibles and his hand hold the upper mandibles. His right leg was giving in so the he grabbed on of the mandibles with both is hand and broke it using his leg. 

Flinging himself to the side Al-An shoved said mandible into the Chelicerate's eye effectively killing it. Al-An scrambled himself onto a nearby ice berg panting still in shock. His whole body hurt, one of the down sides about this body. The human body was much more frail than his kinds and for the other aspects of his human like body to work he needed the human nervous system. 

Al-An flopped onto his back and looked at his body, it was a mess. He had gashes and wound all over, two very big ones at his right inner thigh and left side. He clutched his side knowing that if he didn't get help soon he would bleed out. He couldn't go back to Robin, she would never let him leave the base again if she saw him in this condition. He had told her so many times he could handle leviathans, Robin would never trust that again if he saw him now. 

He didn't like it but he'd have to go to you. It would most likely revile he wasn't just a sea creature but you most likely already had doubts after what he did that morning. He looked at sunset sighing, needing to brace for the bombardment of questions he would get. Humans were lucky to have this eye sight, it wasn't over whelming and couldn't pick up everything but that was the beauty of it. 

Al-An slid back in the water hissing at the sensation of salt water on his wounds. 


You were preparing some food for Everest getting ready to go to sleep. Alan hadn't shown up yet but you guessed he was nervous, he did seem very stressed earlier that day. You dreaded the thought of maybe having to look for him. You weren't about to just forget that morning and you were still a bit annoyed but not as much as before. 

You were pulled out of your thoughts as you heard some heavy thuds from your moonpool. You rushed over to the moonpool, afraid that something was flooding. Instead you were met with Alan stumbling around leaning against the wall, he had legs. He looked over to you and sounded like he was going to say but he came crashing down. 

He had wounds all over his body and was bleeding out. You dragged him onto your bed with some help from Everest. You hurried to get some medical supplies but was cut short when you noticed that Alan's body was as much technical as biological, this was gonna take a while. 

(( I am writing a short chapter because why not :D And I want the people who read this early to suffer because of the cliffhanger -w- I love ya'll but it's fun to watch people suffer. Anyways on to the next chapter >:D By the way was that fighting scene okay? It's my first time writing a fighting scene and I'm not sure if it was good or not ))

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