Getting clingy

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(( EEEEEE idk what to write- again thank you to everyone who reads this I am very grateful and keeps on motivating me to write more chapters. Sorry if this chapter is shit- ))

Al-An's dialog

Robin's dialog

Marguerit's dialog

Your dialog

You woke up by Everest your snow stalker jumping on your bed. She had gotten a lot bigger since you took her home a week ago. So big the entire bed shook when she jumped. "Yeah, yeah, yeah I'm up!" you said sitting up. You rubbed the tiredness out of your eyes looking down at Everest who was very pleased she had woken you up.

"You hungry?" you asked her getting up. Just seconds later a fish flew across the room from your moonpool sending Everest running after it. You walked to the pool being greeted by the familiar glow of Alan. You sat down on the edge of the moonpool feet splashing in the water like you were a kid. 

Alan was in the water right in front of you staring at you intently. "What do you want today?" you asked feeling more tired than ever. Alan just stared at you like usual. You sighed and rested your head in your hand admiring the light on Alan's body.

Alan dragged himself up with the ladder next to you and rested his head in your lap. How could something without a face that never shows any emotion look so cute by such a simple action. You caressed the side of his face or head (his horns were kind of in the way) with your free hand. It felt like you were petting a belt by the leathery texture. You didn't mind though.

Alan flopped his entire body up on the edge of your moonpool his long tail almost falling into the water again. He must have lungs because the is no way he would do this if he didn't. It felt like nothing else mattered right now except for this moment. 

You melted into the moment tracing the lights on Alan's face. He seemed to enjoyed it. You felt like you were having a moment with an intelligent being like another human completely forgetting that he was some sort of machine of sea creature. Alan was letting out a low humming sound as you continued petting his face. 


Al-An was almost falling asleep as you caressed his face letting him lay in your lap. He had never felt like this before. He hadn't learned a lot from watching you but for some reason he still stuck around feeling empty when you weren't around. 

You must have enjoyed his company too, why else would you be caressing his face now. He was kind of scared he was blowing his cover by this act but he did it anyways. He took your small hand with his big one holding it to his cheek. He nuzzled into your hand showing affection.


As Alan nuzzled his face into your hand you felt your face flush. You most likely looked like a tomato. What was wrong with you. Yes he was very intelligent but wasn't he still one of the sea creatures? Why was he acting like this?

You were pulled out of your thoughts by a sound from your PDA which was on your desk. It must have been Marguerit. You had planned that she would send you the coordinates to Robin's base when she got time. Snow stalkers were a big deal at first according to her and you got very damn lucky Everest liked you and already knew how to catch fish.

You looked down at Alan knowing he'd have to get off of you. He looked back up at you not moving. You chuckled a bit and patted his chest to signalise he needed to get off. He rolled off the edge of the moonpool seemingly annoyed and splashed back in the water splashing you with freezing cold water. 

You got up getting your PDA seeing some coordinates from Marguerit. Alan was staring at you from the moonpool looking even more annoyed. You sat down again in front of Alan. "Do you wanna come with me?" you asked Alan. "The coordinates are on land but at least you could follow for a while" you finished. This seemed to appease Alan since he immediately dove into the water seemingly getting ready.

You had gotten to a dock at the island from the coordinates Marguerit gave you. You recognise it as the island the Delta station was on. You had parked your seatruck in the dock and you looked back at Alan going to say bye but he had no intention of leaving you. He awkwardly tried to lift himself onto the dock, not succeeding. It was pretty funny.

"Hold on buddy you need to stay in the water" you say chuckling stopping him by holding his shoulders. He looked up at you annoyed once more. He plopped back in the water but not without splashing you with more water. You only chuckled, waved goodbye and started making your way up the island.


Robin drove her sea truck up to the island where the Delta station was. She saw there was another seatruck there. She didn't think much of it thinking it was Maida's. She got out of her seatruck cursing herself for the millionth time for forgetting her PDA in one of the abandoned bases. 

Robin started making her way up the island as she noticed some footprints in the snow. She followed them to one of the sides of the island. There she was met by something she never thought she would see. There Al-An was chilling in one of the hot springs his long tail hanging out of it. 

Robin started laughing her ass off catching Al-An's attention. "Hello Robin" he said casually. "W-what are you doing?" Robin managed to say through her laughing. 

(( I had a lot of fun with that last part XD I decided I would cut the chapter short here and start the next one right away rather than write an eternally long chapter. It was hard to start this chapter but I'm happy with the cute little moment you had with Al-An -3- Again sorry if it was a bit boring hopefully I made it up with that last scene. And AGAIN (ik i thank to much) thank you so much to everyone who has read my story :D ))

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