Talking things out

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(( Idk what this is...... BUT I FUCKING LOVE IT! There is just something about Al-An in a Mc'Donald's hat that's just Chef's kiss. I have decided that I am going to write a lemon later in the story but I am going to put up warnings so if you don't want to read it you can just skip it. I started this story knowing I wanted to write a lemon so I feel some things would not make sense if I didn't write one. Also a warning, in the end of the chapter there is a theme of losing a family member and if you are not comfortable with reading and hearing about said topic then you can skip to next chapter where it changes from Al-An's perspective to yours. :P Anyways ENJOY~ ))

Al-An's dialog

Robin's dialog

Marguerit's dialog

Riley's dialog

Your dialog

You and Al-An were in your base packing up your things. You and Robin had decided that you would move your base closer to hers, which was in the lily pads biome. Al-An loved this idea, that way he didn't need to swim far to see you. He could also stay longer with you.

Whilst you and Al-An dropped stuff off in your seatruck, Al-An was trying to find out how to tell you about Riley who he had met at the glacial basin. According to Riley Alterra had been picking up many Architect signals and frequencies or more specifically, Al-An. 

Alterra knew something was going on down on Subnautica and it frightened Al-An. He was even more frightened of how you and Robin would react though. What about Maida!? Al-An had understood that she was trying to stay away from Alterra and go unnoticed, what would she do if she found out Alterra was searching for Al-An.

You must have noticed that Al-An was starting to panic. He didn't even noticed he had stopped walking and dropped what he was carrying. "Al-An?" you said taking Al-An's hand. Al-An snapped out of his thoughts as he looked at you. "Are you okay?" you asked. Al-An could hear through your voice how worried you were. 

"I-I am okay" Al-An lied not wanting to worry you even more. You frowned as Al-An said that. "I can tell you're not. Please if there is something troubling you tell me now and not later" you said holding onto Al-An's arms preventing him from leaving. "Well... there is something" Al-An said avoiding eye contact. 

You sat Al-An down on you bed and got him to tell you everything. Al-An sat there in silence as you called Robin. You sounded very stressed in your call and due to how quickly Robin got there he guessed she was stressed to. "AL-AN WE TALKED ABOUT THIS!" Robin said to Al-An after she walked in. 

"You said you wouldn't keep more secrets!" Robin continued obviously angry with him. "I know" Al-An said looking away like what Robin would describe as a puppy being scolded. Robin kept going on and on scolding Al-An as you sat down at your desk and looked like you were thinking about something. You had barely moved over the last hour, the only movement being your chest moving up and down due to your heavy breathing.¨

"Why didn't you tell us?" Robin said finally ending her rant. "Because I knew you would react like this and I didn't want to worry you" Al-An said finally daring to make eye contact with Robin. Robin didn't look as angry as he would have expected her to look. She looked more worried than anything. 

"(Y/N) what do you think" Robin said turning around to you. You remained unmoving. "(Y/N)?" Robin repeated walking over to you. You must have been really deep in your thoughts. "Great, Al-An, you broke (Y/N)" Robin said gesturing to you. "I didn't mean to!" Al-An said standing up walking over to you. 

You really hadn't moved for a long time. Al-An was starting to worry. "(Y/N)?" Al-An said softly waving one of his big hand in front of you face, finally gaining your attention. "O-oh sorry-" you said  finally back to normal. "Well, I was asking you what you think of Al-An keeping so many secrets" Robin said, she was still angry at Al-An. 

"Robin can I talk to you for a moment? In privacy?" you said looking over to Al-An with a soft smile. Al-An nodded and walked over to the moonpool jumping in the water giving you and Robin your privacy. 

Al-An wondered what you wanted to say to Robin. It pained him not knowing, he really hated his curiosity some times. 

Al-An was also confused as to why Robin was always angry at him. Maybe it was because he was keeping things from her, but he had kept things from her before and she didn't act like this. Al-An started to get a worried for his friend. Even though she was always angry at him he still cared about her and she was his best friend. She had saved his life and he was forever grateful, so why was she acting like this?


You stood up facing Robin and leaned against your desk. You had noticed how Robin had been very angry lately and wasn't at all like herself. You were worried for her. "Yanno you didn't need to get so angry at him" you said softly, you needed to keep calm not to make her even more angry. "Yes but he just keeps lying and keeping secrets!" Robin said making some dramatic arm gestures. 

Robin continued to go on a rant about all the secrets Al-An had kept and how many times he had kept the truth from her or lied. "But maybe this is about something else, not Al-An?" you said determined to help your friend. 

Robin froze as you said this. It was something else, maybe she didn't know either. "W-Well.. I-I" Robin started, starting to tear up. You ran over to her and hugged her trying to comfort her. "I just can't stop thinking about Sam..." Robin choked out, hugging you tightly and crying into your shoulder. She must have found out what happened to her sister, it probably wasn't good. 

You rubber Robin back as you two hugged each other. "It's okay, just let it all out" you said doing your best to comfort your friend. "Y-you're right... I shouldn't have gotten that mad at Al-An. He's so used to hiding things and staying hidden it's hard for him to always be open. He also has problems with his emotions..." Robin choked out between her sobs. 

You called Al-An back into the base and Robin apologised to him. It was at that moment you noticed how close the two really were. Al-An scooped Robin into a big hug and refused to let her go until she smiled again, you giggled a bit thinking he acted like an older brother to Robin. 

(( Sad D: Poor Robin :< I kind needed a reason for Robin to be so angry all the time since I kinda didn't think out Robin so she just ended up looking like an angry bitch most of the time which is not true to her personality. So I figured out this which makes sense :D The five stages of grief, Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression and Acceptance -3- Hope you enjoyed and amma go drink 5 litres of Pepsi :D (I'm a Pepsiholicer ))

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