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(( How did Al-An get out of that base? Did he just jump up all the crystals praying that the ghost leviathans wouldn't see him? Also am is Al-An supposed to call himself they and them? Or does the amount of emotions make him feel like a singular being? I AM SO CONFUSED ))

Al-An's dialog

Robin's dialog

Marguerit's dialog

Your dialog

You were sitting at you desk trying to draw the creature you saw in the deep twisty bridges. You weren't the best artist but you had drawn a lot in your free time before you went down to 4546B. You had seen through many databases even the classified ones and you found no trace of that creature. 

Like normally you could not get the arms and upper body right. You couldn't fully remember it's tail so you were tempted to go down into the deep bridges to try and find it. 

You got up from your desk tired and flopped down on your bed closing your eyes. You wanted to sleep. You opened your eyes expecting to see the calming sight of the twisty bridges. You were startled by the sight of the same creature looking down at you through the glass roof. It looked at you for a few seconds before swimming away.

You lied in bed confused not knowing how to react to this. You heard a thud from you moonpool.  Thought nothing of it since it always makes sounds. Then you heard another one. And another. You sat up in your bed looking over to your moonpool expecting to see it leaking or something. Nothing.

You got up very confused. Was that creature doing this? You walked over to the moonpool being hit in face by something. You stumbled back and fell on your butt. A fish? You looked over to the moonpool and there the creature was looking at you. It went back under the water and another fish came flying at you. You tried to dodge it but once again you got hit right in the face. 

The creature came back up still looking at you. "Did you hit me with a fish?" you said laughing. "Do you want me to come back into the water?" you asked knowing it was more what you wanted. You picked up your mask and oxygen tank from the table next to you. 

You jumped into the water right in front of the creature. "Is this what you want?" you asked the giant mermaid look-alike in front of you. It dove and you followed. It swam up to the surface at an amazing speed. You not quite as fast followed it. 

You sat on an iceberg right in front of the 4546B mermaid. "Yanno I need something it call you, I'm (Y/N)" you said resting your head in your hand looking at it. "What to you think?" you asked not expecting an answer. It only cocked it's head to the side. 

For some reason you felt like this thing understood you. The way it looked at you. The way it moved and acted. It seemed so intelligent. "How about Bob?" you said chuckling. The creatures light flashed a quick red. "What was that?" you said "Can you change color?" You were getting more excited by the second.

"I'm going to take the sudden flash of red as a no. How about Jessica?" you asked. Another flash of red. You had seen so much on this planet this wasn't really surprised. You figured you'd pay attention to this dude now and think more about what he was later. You looked over his upper body and looked very masculine, you guessed it was a male. 

"How about grey? Michelle? Ivan? Otan?" you suggested and kept getting turned down. "Ugh... I'm so bad with names.." you sighed flopping back on the iceberg. You sat back up determined to find a name he liked. "What about Robin?" you suggested missing your best friend. This time you got a different reaction. He didn't to anything giving you a slight hope this was the one. Red flash.

"Ughhh...... what do you want from meeee.." you whined. "What about Alan?" you suggested expecting the familiar sight of red. This time you got a flash of hot pink mixed with the usual violet. "Wait do you actually like that one?" you said in disbelief sitting up. Alan just looked at you. "Yanno what I'm taking that a yes no matter what"

"Anyways I need to get some materials, I was stupid enough to use up all my quarts" you said plopped back into the water. You swam down into the twisty bridges looking for quartz. You expected Alan to swim away but he followed you. "Are you going to come with?" you asked looking back at Alan. "I guess so.."

You hoarded quartz like it was the only thing that could save your life. Alan just kept following you and watching you. You were kind of creeped out by it but after some time he gave you a couple pieces as well.

(( I wanted this to be longer and have some purpose but it ended so well here and I didn't really know what I wanted to do in this chapter. I should probably start planning what I want to do for chapters. I have so many ideas but I can't use any of them c': Anyways hope you liked this piece of shit chapter :D ))

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