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(( 400 READS? NANI? THANK YOU SO MUCH! Jesus that's a lot of reads O~O Hope ya'll liked the addition of Riley and as always ENJOY~ ))

Al-An's dialog

Robin's dialog

Marguerit's dialog

Riley's dialog

Your dialog

Riley was in a high speed chase after the Architect creature that had saved him. It seemed like the creature had no idea what to do after it had angered the ice worm since it only kept running not even looking back, it knew the ice worm was following it. 

Riley was totally focused on keeping up with the creature he forgot to look out for the ice worm. Riley was thrown off the snowfox as the ice worm shot out from under the ice, almost piercing Riley like a kebab. 

Riley fell to the ice and rolled over in pain. Riley thought he was a goner and he was fine with it. He loved this planet like it was his home and he wanted his death to be something like this. Not in some sort of hospital, with dementia telling the same old stories of 4546B over and over. No, he wanted to go out by one of these behemoths and this was one worthy. 

Riley lied on the ice awaiting his death when he heard the ice worm scream. It didn't seem like a war cry, more like a cry of pain. Riley sat up holding his shoulder which had gotten hit hard when he hit the ice. He saw the very same creature he was following fighting the ice worm. 

The creature on the back of the ice worms head holding onto the horn. The ice worm was flinging around trying to get the attacker off. 

The creature jumped from the ice worm back, placing all it's weight on the horn of the beast. The ice worm plummet to the ice, hitting it head first knocking it out. 

The creature walked over to the ice worm slowly, it must have been tired. With one firm curb stomp the to the ice worms jaw the creature crushed the ice worms skull. The sheer power of the stomp cracked the ice below. Riley watched in awe as the creature stood there looking down at the dead ice worm, almost in disbelief. 

After a couple second of staring the creature walked over to the snowfox. It wasn't to damaged, the pain damage was the battery and the hover pads. Luckily the ice worm missed and it was the force of breaking through the ice that threw Riley into the air. 

The creature picked up the snowfox and started fixing it. Riley got up groaning and walked over curious. Once the creature or person, Riley wasn't sure what he should call it anymore, was finished it thrusted the snowfox towards Riley. 

Riley packed up the snowfox into his bag as the being, or person, walked away. Riley hurried after it, wanting to know more about what it was. As the thing noticed that Riley was following it, it stopped walking and looked down at Riley sighing. 

"Go back to your team, you shouldn't follow me" it said in a monotone voice. Riley was a little taken aback by hearing it speak, he couldn't determine if that was a threat or advice. "Nope, you saved my life! Besides you look like something Architect and I want to know what you are" Riley said following it. 

Riley heard another sigh from it. "I am not from Architect, I am an Architect" it started, "You may call me Al-An" it finished looking down at Riley. Riley was not expecting that. If he wasn't wearing the coldsuit mask his jaw would have dropped six feet. His shock was quickly replaced with joy and curiosity. "YeS i KnEw YoU GuYs WeRe StIlL aLiVe!" Riley shouted startling Al-An "oops- sorry" Riley said not wanting to scare the Architect. 

"It is quite alright, but what do you mean 'you knew'?" Al-An asked starting to walk again. Riley followed him curious where they were going. "OH, of course you don't know-" Riley said taking of the cold suit mask, he had gotten to used to people recognising him for saving planet 4546B that it didn't even come to mind. 

"It's kind of a long story so do you want the long or the short explanation?" Riley asked afraid he would bore the Architect, he had wanted to meet one even since he entered the first base. To bore one would be last thing he wanted. "The long please" Al-An said, he was very polite Riley noticed. 

"Well it all started when I was a janitor on this ship called Aurora. We were going to sling around 4546B, not knowing about the cannons. Of course he got shot down like any other ship. I was the only survivor. So of course I started exploring and thus coming across many of your kind's bases" Riley finished and noticed the story wasn't as long as he had thought. It felt longer when he spent almost a year in those damn oceans! He loved them though.

Al-An nodded, seemingly interested in what Riley had to say, Riley couldn't be happier. "How did you escape the planet? Or even survive. If the cannons were active then the virus was still around" Al-An said, he had a point. This is where Riley started getting nervous.

He really didn't enjoy all the attention he got for saving the planet. He only did it so the Sea Emperor could get her last wish. She was the once who had saved him from madness and was a friend to him even though they hadn't known each other for long. 

"Well, when I was on the planet and finding your bases I also found the Sea Emperor. She talked to me and wanted me to hatch her eggs, so they could save the planet. So that's what I did, she gave he the blueprints for the hatching enzymes and I hatched the eggs" Riley said looking away. 

Al-An stopped walking and completely turned toward Riley. What was he doing? Was Riley gonna die? "You cured the Khaara?" Al-An said his voice still completely monotone. "Yes..?" Riley said afraid what would happen next. 

Before Riley knew he was scooped up in a hug. "Thank you. You have no idea how grateful I am" Al-An said putting Riley down again, he was almost twice Riley's size. Riley noticed how when he said that his voice wasn't as monotone as before. Riley could hear how grateful he really was and how much this meant to him. Why wouldn't he be grateful it almost killed his people. 

"I apologies for such a sudden gesture" Al-An said his voice sounding embarrassed, Riley guessed he had earned the giant alien's trust. "It's alright, but I have a lot of question, like a lot" Riley said wanting to get to know Al-An. "Ask away" Al-An said continuing his walk. 

(( No (Y/N) in this chapter either but there will be in the next. I just wanted Riley to have his special moment of meeting Al-An, also Al-An badass fighting scene. I was expecting this to take me long to write but it actually didn't :D I'll start working on the next chapter right away >:D ))

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