Chapter 1

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Tomorrow we move into our new house and I'm not looking forward to it.
It's hours away from my home town and I grew up here my entire life. I have so many friends and memories here and i'm dreading saying goodbye.
Mom says it's a 'fresh start' as my parents got divorced a couple of months ago and it hasn't felt the same.
My dad moved out and got his own apartment, but mom says the house doesn't feel the way she wants the house to feel like. I don't understand why she had to pick somewhere to live at the other side of the state, I get its 'a fresh start' but i'm gonna miss this place.

I wake up to big brown boxes scattered around my now empty room, I cleared my room a few days ago and my room looks so bare and depressing. No posters. No clothes in my wardrobe. Not even my bed. Nothing left. I heard a knock on my door and it was my best friend Oakley, we've been friends since we were babies.
and i'm dreading towards the end of the day. Goodbyes.

"Hey!" She said walking in. 
"Why are you here so early." I say with my dry throat.

"It's 1pm" she says chuckling. I roll over and check the time on my phone.
It was 1pm.
I turn back around and we both start laughing. She sits on my mattress and looks at me. I know what she's thinking, and i'm thinking the exact same too.
How hard it's gonna be to say goodbye.

I block it out of my head, I can't let it ruin my day with her.
"Let's go do something fun before I leave for tomorrow." I say reaching for her hands.
A smile forms on her face and she nods.
I slip into my favourite yellow sundress and  clip, and went to most girls favourite place to go.
The mall.

It was starting to get dark and I quickly realise the mall was about to close. Workers start pulling down the heavy metal doors, turn off lights and lock doors.
"Hey" I said grabbing Oakley's arm, pulling her around a wall in the corner of the mall so no one could see us. She quickly latched on to what we were doing and hid until it became empty.

"All customers please leave the building. the mall is about to close." 

I turn to Oakley who has her lips folded trying to keep her laugh in, and that's when we heard the bodyguards.

Minutes go by and I'm  surprised they haven't found us until, a bald fat security guard was approaching.
Me and Oakley stare at each other with our eyes wide open. It was so quiet i could almost hear my heartbeat.

All of a sudden one of the security guards farted, I let out a laugh but quickly covered my mouth. I pause squeezing my eyes knowing we're officially screwed.

"Who's there!" A deep voice shouts.

Me and Oakley kept laughing silently with our hands over our mouths. I couldn't keep it in any longer. I grabbed Oakley's hand and we bolts for the doors.
"Hey! Stop!" One of the guards says.

We were stilling laughing our heads off running away from them.
"I'm gonna piss myself!" Oakley cries, as we're running towards the doors.
We push the doors open, run across the empty parking lot and hid behind a bush across the road. We stop and throw our bunch of bags onto the ground and we catch our breathe.
Oakley takes a deep breathe, then started impersonating the fart with her mouth. I burst out laughing.

We get food and then start walking home. I could see my house coming into frame as we walked closer, which made me tear up as this is our goodbye.
We stop outside my house and I turn around to Oakley.  Oakley is tearing up. My eyes started to water even more.

"Oh Oakley" I say hugging her.
"Why do you have to go y/n? I don't want you to leave.
"Me too." i whisper sniffling and her head lays in the creak of my neck.

——————————————————- I have a shower then go to bed thinking about tomorrow, to be honest I couldn't sleep.
I mean this is the first time I'm moving, I stayed in this house my whole life. I wonder if I'm gonna make any friends or what school is gonna be like. Thoughts run around my head but I eventually fall asleep.

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