Chapter 29

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3 days later

I wake up to the hearing the shower running. Feeling my stomach rumble, I slid out of bed and stroll to the kitchen where I make breakfast.
I sit on the island stools with my hands wrapped around the mug of my coffee, warming me up and look out the window and look at the apartments across from mine, wondering what one could be Noah's.
I hear the bedroom door open and Ethan walks down the hallway with wet hair.
"Happy birthday babe" he says pecking me on the check with no passion whatsoever.
He gets the plate of breakfast i made for him and sits next to me.

"I'm taking you out to dinner tonight"  he said.

"Ohh where?" I ask
"I was thinking Manhatta I've never been there before, but I heard their food is good"
A smile forms on my face, I'll finally get to go to the restaurant Noah works. I know his food will be good, without a doubt. I also haven't seen him in a few days so it'll be good to see him.
"You okay?" he says with his mouth full of eggs staring at me.

"Yeah i'm fine just thinking" I say snapping out of my day dream.
"I heard it's really good too"

Hours later
We're sitting in a booth in the restaurant eating the most delicious food I've ever had. I had a red mini dress with a small slit at the bottom.
Ethan told me to dress fancy.
I got the tastiest spaghetti ever. I wonder if Noah made it.

"I won't be here tomorrow, I'm going to Joshuas house to watch a game"
"Oh okay that's perf-
I suddenly get interrupted by workers surrounding our table singing happy birthday. When I looked up and Noah was holding a plate with a dessert, wearing a white chef jacket.
He looks.. handsome. He has the most perfect smile in the world, and he's smiling at me.
At me.

I immediately started to smile and I watch him set the plate right in front of me. It had a lit candle, with the plate saying "happy birthday" in chocolate syrup.

I look at everyone singing happy birthday

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I look at everyone singing happy birthday. But when my eyes got to Noah, he was staring at Ethan. His gaze comes back to mine when he notices me looking at him.
He smiles and nods towards the dessert, waiting for me to blow out the candle.

I bend over the plate and blow out the candle, holding back my hair. Clapping comes from all around me making me so happy. The workers scatter back to work and Noah waits there. He bends over and says
"Enjoy Miss" smiling, before nodding and walking back into the kitchen. I couldn't stop smiling for a good few minutes.
"Thank you Ethan" I say leaning across the table whispering.
He smiles and nods his head to my dessert, wanting me to try it.
It was amazing obviously.


About an hour later Christine- one of the workers- come in and says.
"The girl that had the birthday dessert left her phone here."

"Ill give it back to her, I'm a good friend" I say, before any other workers suggest anything else, like ringing Ethan as we have his phone number written down when he was booking the table.
"Okay, I trust you Noah" she says pointing a finger at me chuckling.
I smile while clearing up as the restaurant closes soon, she leaves her phone on the bench and I glance at the paper in the back of it.
Y/n will come back for it. She can't live without her phone, my mind flashes back to years ago when y/n lost her phone and she went crazy. I laugh thinking about it but then my thoughts trail to Ethan. God I hope he's not the one that's comes to pick it up.

I get given the keys to lock up, and everyone else leaves. I wait there staring at the piece of paper.


We get back home and Ethan plops down on the couch. I rummage through my purse to look for my phone and i can't find it.
"Hey do you have my phone?"

He turns around on the couch "No? Why would i have your phone"

I shrug "I just can't find it"
"Do you want me to go back to the restaurant and see?"
"No no i'll go myself"

He shrugs, turning around "Okay" before reaching inside his pocket and pulls out his phone.

I roll my eyes behind his back
, and I open the door and walk down the long hallway to the elevator.

You have no idea how worthless you make me feel.

I step out of the building and felt a gush of cold wind pass, sending chills down my spine in my dress.

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