Chapter 11

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We both pull away from our kiss and I admire him. I got lost in him, and it was the kind of lost that's exactly like being found. He's so effortlessly handsome. The way two strand of hair fall down the front of his face. His cute little freckles spaced out on his face.

Thank you for reminding me what butterflies felt like.

"Y/n, can I tell you something" he asks. I nod.
"I just.." He says trying to go get his voice to stopping shaking.
"I really really like you y/n and I know this is gonna sound crazy but I liked you ever since I saw you."
I stare at him.
"Out of the small amount of time I've been with you, I fell for you deeper, and deeper. And that's not a lot of time."

I kiss him to shut him up.
I agree that we only known each other for a while.
But, I don't know, he's.. different from everyone else.
We release from our kiss once again and I could see Noah's smile deflate, almost looking worried.
He looks at me and says "Do you want to meet my dad?" I nod and smile.
He grabs my hand a brings me into his dads room. He's fast asleep rolled onto his side. I could see Noah looking at him worried, I reach for his hand and he turns to me.
I remember I was supposed to go to the shop.
"Let's get out of here and go to the shop downstairs, clear our heads." trying to be helpful. He nods and follows me to the door of the room and we walk side by side down the hallway. We arrive at the little shop and we pick out a few things including my mums request. I turn and see Noah rooting in his pockets looking for money,
I walk over to him and I say "I owe you" and I smile. "Thanks y/n" he says with a the warmest smile, still accompanied with his red cheeks and eyes."
We walk back up the hallway to Rachel's room and we walk in.

My mom turns her head and sees Noah. She looks at him then back to me, confused.
"Mom this is Noah from school, I ran into him down in the shop" I say lying.

"Well hello Noah" he says bowing her head.
"Hello Ms y/l/n" giving a friendly smile.

"Y/n has mentioned you before" she says. I clamp my lips together raising my eyebrows and bulging my eyes out . She turns her head to and smirks.

"So what are you doing in the hospital Noah"

"My dads in here, he has cancer" he reply's, I look over and he's holding it together
"Oh I'm so sorry Noah" my mom says putting her hand on her chest, feeling bad.
She looks at both of us and then says "You two run along and go for a walk or something."
with a friendly smile.

She winks at me and I roll my eyes at her. We make it to the entrance of the hospital and push the doors open.

"Are you and your dad close?" I ask. He nods and replies "like this" he holds up his pointer finger and his middle finger wrapped around each other.
"We would always play football together, he'd pick me up from school and we would go to the shop to buy sweets."

I smile. "But he started fo get more weak and more sick and spent most of his time in the hospital than in our house.
"Where's your mom?" I ask.

He looks over at me and says "My mom died when i was 5"

I look over, wishing I never asked.  "Im so sorry Noah I didn't kn-"

"It's ok, I didn't really remember her that much"

I feel so bad for Noah.

I slid my hand into his cold hand and I hold it tightly giving it a squeeze.
"I'm so sorry this is happening to you Noah, you don't deserve any of this."
I could just about see him smile by the street lamps shining onto his face. He kisses me on the forehead.
I wrap my arms around him and tuck my head into his neck holding him tight.

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