Chapter 13

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I wake up the next morning and it takes me a few seconds to register who's asleep with me, Noah.

I stop to stare at how pretty he is. The 6 freckles beautifully scattered on his soft face, and his pink plumped lips.
The stand of hair placed perfectly dangling down on his forehead with a curl at the end. How can he be so beautiful as he sleeps, that's impossible.
I can't wait for him to open his eyes so I can see his eyes. His eyes are my favourite colour. Those brown eyes.

I don't know if he's a mind reader or he actually just woke up at the right time but he flutters his eyelids adjusting to the sun coming in through my window and his eyes glistened in the sunlight.
"Hi" he whispers.
"Hi" I whisper then bite my lip trying not to show that I'm smiling so hard.
"You have beautiful eyes" I reply staring into each of them.
"They're just brown, nothing too special" he reply's looking down.

I lift his chin with a soft and gentle touch, he was staring right into my soul
"Your eyes could make the star jealous.. I feel like a scientist when I look into them, staring into different galaxies that have yet to be discovered, or named"

He keeps staring at me. He looks at me in a way that every girl wanted to be looked at.
Eye contact, then that little smile. He laughs "your so weird"
He leans in and kisses me on the forehead. He pulls away and I could see his smile faded.

"I better go back to my room in case your mom comes in"

I nod and smile. He slips out of the bed and puts the blanket over my head. I laugh and I pull it back off. He smiles over his shoulder looking down at me and walks out of my room.

I lie like a star fish taking up the whole bed staring at the roof smiling, feeling flushed. I heard knock on the door and it's opens, letting even more sunlight into my room. "You want breakfast?" Mom says. I nod and smile while stretching.

I follow her into the kitchen and she finishes putting the last pancake on a stack on so many I can't even count. I sit on the island as I watch her take out maple syrup.
"How's Rachael" I ask.

"She slowly getting better, she's going to be okay y/n" she says with a reassuring smile.

"Is Noah still asleep?" I look up at her knowing fully well he's awake. I shrug.

She turns back to the island,
"You guys official?"

I tilt my head.
"I mean you guys seem very close"

I stare down at my food. "I mean, I like him and he likes me"

Her eyes open wide for a second
"Oh, have you guys, you know kissed?"

"Mom" I say raising an eyebrow.

"What, I'm your mother you can tell me anything" She says throwing her hands up in the air, then turns back around to the stove, flipping up more pancakes for Noah I'm guessing.

"I'm a cool mom" she saying turning her head back to me and wiggling her eyebrows.

I roll my eyes and chuckle. I pick at my food with my fork and take a bite.

She looks back around her shoulder waiting for me to respond to jet question.
"Maybe" I say quietly.

She freezes for a second. I could see a smile on her face.
"I'm happy for you y/n"
I smile back and take another bite of my pancake smothered in maple syrup.
I look back up at her and she's turned back around, her smile completely gone.

I know she doesn't want me to fall in love with the wrong person like her and dad. Her and dad met in high school too, I think she doesn't want me to make the same mistake, she tells me all the time.
I hear the door open down the hallway and Noah walks out, rubbing his eyes pretending he just woke up.
I turn back around and try not to laugh. I look back and he's makes eye contact with me and try's not to laugh too. I shake my head and take another bite of my pancake as he sits beside me. He gives me a nudge in the arm and then says "Good morning Ms y/l/n"

"Ah good morning Noah, and please call me Katie" she says smiling and putting a plate with pancakes and fruit in front of him.

"Wow this looks amazing, thank you Katie" he says.

She nods and smiles and winks at us, before cleaning up.

"I'm going to the hospital again today if you want to come."

"Of course yeah" I reply as I sit back in my stool, rubbing my belly  stuffed.

I turn to Noah signalling if he wants to come, he shrugs and raising his eyebrows with a smile and a nod.

"Can Noah come?" I say looking at the back of moms head while she's doing the dishes.

"Yes of course."

I look back at Noah and I smile putting my head on his shoulder and wrapping my arm around his, instantly making me feel so happy.

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