Chapter 22

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It's last class English. All I could think about was the tree after school contemplating whether i should go or not, but then the bell rings. I close my eyes, thinking.
No I'm not going to go.
I can't.
I get my bag and walk towards my locker, I look around to see if I can see him, but i can't, the hallway is crowded of people.
I put my books into my bag and shut the locker, I turn towards the entrance where I can see the branches of the big tree but could see the trunk, where he might be standing, waiting for me.
Shoot. As I walk up the hallway full with people i just remembered today was the day I have to walk home. I squeeze my eyes shut and swear under my breathe "shit"

I get closer to the tree and noticed someone standing there in the school soccer uniform. As I got closer I knew it was him. He has soccer practices on Wednesdays.
I slid out the door and hid behind a random group of people so I could make it past him.
I could see him staring at the entrance waiting, for me.

I make it to the gate and sighed with relief.

As I walk home, I look up for the first time since I left the school and noticed I'm near Noahs house. Noah has soccer practice for an hour, and I'm dying to see his dad. It's been a few days and I've already missed him.

I open the door and saw Chris on the couch, looking a bit more weak. He turns his head and smiles so widely it could make anyone's day. Without saying anything he opened out his arm for a hug.
Noah must have told him.
As he hugged me I could feel a tear slip out. His hugs feel exactly like Noah's, I soak it in as much as I can.
"How are you holding up kiddo"
"Fine i guess.. weird not seeing you as often."
"Ah well Noah has soccer every Wednesday, it wouldn't hurt coming by then, I missed you so much"
"Me too Chris"

He sighs "I'm getting bad again"
I suck in a breathe a reach out for his hand.

"I'm getting weaker, and sicker. I have to go back to the hospital for a while" he says with a friendly but sad smile.
"I'll be okay though"
I could feel my eyes tear up, feeling so bad. He just wants to be home again, with his son.

"I'm really sorry about you and Noah" he says trying to change the subject but not making it better.
"it's just I miss him so much, I miss his presence"
He nods looking down, not knowing what to say.
"He talked about you a lot you know"
I look back up at him. He nods.
"Your the main topic in this house y/n"
I laugh, for the first time in I don't know how long.

I lose track of time talking to Chris, it's almost been an hour, Noah's will be home soon. I hug Chris goodbye and walk out.


She didn't show up. I was surprised but I also wasn't. Soccer practice was on and all I could think of was her.

Soccer practice was over and i walk home, still with her on my mind.
I walk in the front door and see my dad in the same place where I left him. He turns and says hi but he's acting a bit strange. He's moving back to the hospital soon. I'm going to miss him in the house, Im going miss him saying good morning and good night to me. But he's getting weaker and sicker.
He needs to go back.

"Did she turn up?"
I look at him, snapping out of a daydream.
"The tree?" He says.
I shake my head "no she didn't"
He nods and looks down at the ground.
"I really wish she did though" I say looking at the tv.

I really wish she did.

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