Chapter 17

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We clean up the mess and Noah turns to me "I promise you that never happened before" he chuckled. "I believe you Noah"

We make it to the bowling alley and write our names onto a clipboard that we want to show on the tv that shows our scores, I chose my own name and Noah being Noah, he chose the weirdest name ever.

He picked up a ball and gave it a good throw, hitting down all the pins. How am I going to beat that.

It was my go, I pick up the lightest ball....of course and gave it a throw, missing all the pins. I turn back to Noah who's trying not to laugh "I'm a bit rusty I swear" he breaks out to a laugh. "Ill help you, don't worry."

It was my second go and Noah picks the same ball. "Hold onto my arm." I grab onto his wrist above the bowling ball and held it until he threw the ball down the lane, knocking down all the pins once again. He stands up straight beside me "your welcome" and kisses me on the forehead.
I won but i think Noah was just going easier on me, plus he helped me with all my goes.

We get food after and go to the arcade, where he won almost every game (of course) he also won a massive panda teddy and gave it to me.
We stop at the hospital as we were passing it on the way back home.
"There's my two favourite people" He says sits up straight in his bed. "Hey Chris!" I said walking towards him with my arms stretched out, smiling widely.
"Hey Dad" Noah says and doing the same as me.
"Guess what" Chris says out of the blue.
"The nurses said I can come home for a while, I'm getting healthier, I'm getting stronger and I feel it too"
I couldn't help but gasp a little "I'm so happy for you Chris!"
"Yeah that's great news dad"
I gave him another hug, he seems so excited to finally come home, so does Noah, his smile is stretched from ear to ear. He turns to me and gives me a nod smiling even harder, then reaches out for his dads hand and holds it in his.
Couple Days Later.

I knock on Noah's door at his house. I don't even wait for two seconds and Noah opens it. "Hi" he says with smile. "Hi, I got these for your dad." I held out his favourite candy. Chris always talks about it, every single time I go to the hospital. "Thanks y/n, he's gonna love these" he says chuckling.

I step inside where Chris is on the couch. He looks a lot more healthy. I can actually see his body now, instead of being wrapped in a blanket on a hospital bed. "Y/n!"
He stands up and gives me a hug, his hugs feel a lot more different to the ones in hospital. I love Chris's hugs. They remind me of my dads. I would snuggle up next to him on his favourite couch and watch tv with him. It feels so different without him in the house, even though my parents haven't been getting along for a few years, I still imagine what it would be like if he was still here.
Mom threw out his favourite chair during the move, I really didn't want her too but she said "it doesn't match our colour scheme"
Whatever. I still FaceTime him every once and a while but now he kind of started his own family. Chris is the closest thing I can get to a dad.

I spend the rest of the evening with Noah and Chris in the sitting room.
I look up at the clock and realises it 11pm. "Shoot I better get home"
"I can walk you home". Noah says standing up. I nod and follow him out the living room door. "Bye Chris!"
"Bye honey! Thanks for the candy"
"Of course"

I slip into my jacket with the help of Noah and we go outside. We start walking and I could feel his eyes on me. I look up at him, he's still staring at me, "Your so pretty"
I look down at my feet stepping in front of the other counting the steps, to hid my smile which he could definitely see.
One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven.
"Something tells me I'm absolutely falling for you y/n"
Seven steps of silence.
My heart was thudding so hard I'm positive he could hear it. I look at my feet once again and laugh, wrapping my arm into his and resting my head on his arm taking in his scent, a scent almost like he just took a shower, clean and fresh.
I look at him again and he's still staring at me. "I'm falling for you too Noah" He smirks and looks ahead of him.

One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Nine. Ten. Eleven. Twelve. Thirteen. Fourteen.

"Bryce is having a little get together at his on Saturday, wanna go?"
I look up at him already looking at me, once again, I nod and smile. "Okay"

I still want to pinch myself to see if I'm dreaming. It still hasn't settled in that I'm in a relationship with Noah. It feels surreal.

Pinch. Pinch.

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