Chapter 2

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Couple Days Later:

I woke up the to my mom calling my name. "Y/n come on let's go!" I get out of my warm bed (well mattress) and I get ready. I get into the car and my mom drives me to school. I was so nervous. We arrive at the school and I turn to mom. "You'll be fine y/n. I'm sure you'll make lots of friends" she says with a friendly smile. I say goodbye and I get out the car. As I was walking towards the entrance I heard a voice shout "heads!" A boy jumped up right in front of me and caught a football that was coming towards my head. I look up and he turns to me. He looks at me up and down, then runs back to his friend that threw the ball. I kept walking and made it inside.

I get into my first class. I sit down at a desk beside a girl. She turns to me and says. "Hi I'm Ellie" "y/n" I reply. "That's a pretty name" she says smiling. "Aw thank you" I say smiling back. The teacher comes in to the room and begins the lesson. "We have a new student joining us." Everyone turns and looks at me. I could feel eyes staring at my from all directions. The teachers then goes on explaining a project. She puts us into pairs to do the project with and I get put with Ellie.

During the whole class, these two girls kept whispering and looking at me which was strange but maybe because I'm new. It was lunch time and Ellie and I sit in the cafeteria. Ellie is actually really nice. We have a lot of similarities and it almost feels like we've been friends for years. Me and Ellie were talking and I notice a big group walking by. It was the two girls that were whispering and were looking at me, two boys and the boy that i bumped into before I walked in. He turned and looked at me but kept walking. "Noah I see" Ellie says after noticing me looking at him. "Huh" "That's Noah and his group. They're the most popular in the school." I nod.

I turn back them and then to her. "Okay. Let's talk about our project."

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