Chapter 7

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I pull myself out of bed and I throw on a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie. I get ready for school and get into the car where my mom and my sister is waiting for me. We pull out of our driveway and mom asks "so is this Noah boy in your class?"
"Yeah he is"
She nods and smirks. "What does he look like?" Her nosy self asks.

"Um tall, brown curly hair, brown eyes"
"Ohh" she says smirking and elbows me. I could hear my sister chuckle in the back seat. I put my head in my hands not letting her see that I'm  smiling but then put on a straight face again and lifted my head up. We get to the front of the school and I hop out of the car. "Have fun" mom says winking. I roll my eyes and smile "bye mom"

"Bye Rachel" she say turning around in her seat. "Bye mom"

I walk into school and I could hear my mom drive off behind me and Rachel walks over to her own friends. I go inside and I could see Noah with his friends. I could feel his eyes stare hard at me. I look over and he is. He gives a friendly smile and a wave, I do the same back to him. Ellie was at her locker getting her books and I walk over to her. "Hey!" I say. "Oh hey!" She replies. She holds up red, rolled up paper and says "You ready for history?" It was a history project that we have to present today. "Nope" I say honestly. She laughs "me neither to be honest" I chuckle and the bell rings. First class,


To be honest I'm happy that it's first class so we can get it done and out of the way. Me and Ellie go into history class and everyone else had their projects ready to go too. It was finally our go and we stand up at the top of the classroom. Noah was sitting at the back of the class room and gave another smile.

He nods and gives me the thumbs up.

I nod and I turn to Ellie who is already staring at me then at Noah acting confused. I quickly turn back to facing the class and we started presenting our project. I could feel Noah staring at me once again which made me mess up a couple of words but I didn't care. It only a stupid little project that doesn't go towards my end of the year grade.

"Is something happening between you two?" She says climbing into the lunch benches and sitting down. "Okay okay I was supposed to tell you when I got home yesterday but I fell asleep."

She nudges herself closer towards me waiting for me to tell her.
"So you know the way I went to the party?"
"Yeah?" She says still confused.

"There was a spin the bottle and it landed on Bryce. I didn't even wanted to play in the first place but Brittany made me. I obviously didn't kiss Bryce."
Ellie rolls her eyes annoyed at Brittany. "Go on"

"I kinda ran away from the game into the kitchen and I found myself in Noah's room kinda just to get away from everything and Noah came in after me and we were talking for a while and he's actually pretty nice." She nods her head "yeah yeah you told me this"

She put her head in her hand and waits for me to finish my story.

"I went to the library the next day and Noah was in there. He asked if I wanted to hang out with him and walk around town to show me around as I wasn't used to the place yet."

She sits up straight again.
"I didn't know he could read" she say bluffing.

I reply, "When I went into his room, he had so many books on his shelf, like a library"

"Ellie he's really nice, we went to a little cafe and we talked for hours. We have a lot in common we got really comfortable with each other really quickly."

"Do you know what he does to people y/n?"
I tilt my head.

"He pretends to like people and plays them. But if you want to let him do that to you go ahead." I look down at my lunch and back up to Ellie, unsure what to say.

I feel a presence walking up behind me.
"Speak of the devil" Ellie says under her breathe. I turn around and it was Noah.

"Hey" he says sitting down next to me.
"Your presentation was really good" he saying looking at me then glances at Ellie then back to me. "Thanks" I say smiling.

"It was all Ellie though, she done most of it"
He nods and smiles not taking his eyes off mine.
"I'll see you around y/n" putting his hand on my back and standing up to walk away.
My eyes buldge open as he places his hand on my back. I try and reset my face and turn back and nod "bye".

I turn back to Ellie and she's staring at me. "Wow" she says.
"I don't know he's acting way different now" she reply's.
"What do you mean"
"I mean like he used to act so cocky and confident around girls, but you he's acting way different."
I could feel my face burning up and my whole body freezes.
"Maybe he does actually like you

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