Chapter 18

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I dig into my closet to find a decent outfit

I'm putting on my makeup on my cluttered makeup table when I hear a knock on my door

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I'm putting on my makeup on my cluttered makeup table when I hear a knock on my door. Noah walks in
"Hey beautiful" he's says looking me up and down. I walk over to help and wrap my arms around his neck. "Hi" I pull him in closer and kiss him.

He walks over to my bed and sits on it, watching me as I put on my makeup through the mirror in front of me.
"You are so obsessed with me"
"I honestly am"
I turn around and smile at him. He starts to dig around in his pocket and pulls out something. A ring pop.
He hops of the bed and walks over to me.
I know exactly what's about to happen.
I can barely hold in my laugh anymore.

He stands up and walks over to me, he gets down on one knee. I let out a giggle.
"Y/n will you marry me"
He says smiling almost trying not to laugh.
"Your so weird" I say pushing back his head.
"Hey!" He says as I take the ring pop off him and put it in my mouth.
"So is that a yes?"
I narrow my eyes and give him a little nod, before both laughing.

I take the ring pop out of my mouth and give him a peck on the lips.

We're all laid out on the couch waiting for the Chinese food to come. Noah's talking to Bryce and Brittany turns her attention from Olivia to me. "Y/n I love your dress, where did you get it?"

"H&M actually. thank you" I say.
An hour goes by and we're all eating the Chinese that arrived.
Brittany and Olivia are talking and the three boys are talking. I try to join in with them but they're talking about sports. I don't fit in with this "popular" group at all.
"I'm going to the bathroom" I say to Noah. I turn the corner and walk down the hallway. I sit on the edge of the bathtub on my phone texting Ellie, I also take a bit of Bryce's mouth wash, swish it around in my mouth and get rid of the chinese food breathe.

I open the bathroom door again and I start to walk up the hallway again, until a conversation fades more clear each step I take.

"When are you gonna do it Noah"
My eyebrows arch trying to think about what they mean.
"Yeah dude your gonna have to do it soon."
"I-I don't know, I don't think I'm gonna tell her."
I pause right around the corner at the living room, building up the courage to finally turn around the corner where I meet Noah.
"I mean she-

"Tell me what" I say looking dead into Noah's eyes. They open wide and his mouth almost hangs open. He try's to string a sentence together but can't.

I turn to the others who are staring at me. Brittany and Olivia looking me up and down of course.
"Tell me what" I repeat, now with a shaky voice as my eyes start to fill.

Brittany stands up a struts slowly towards me,
"Oh y/n." She says with a sarcastic voice.

"When you walked out at spin the bottle, Noah said that he'll make you fall in love with him, then drop you just like that" She said snapping her fingers on the "that".

Her smile gets bigger and bigger. I look behind her should to Noah still on the couch staring at me. Brittany leans closer to me and says
"He never liked you, never has... never will."

I take a step back to register what was happening and walks towards Noah. I get my jacket laid beside him and wanted to get the hell out of here. He grabs my wrist "y/n" he whispers. I pull my arm out of his grasp and run out. I could hear him run after me.
"Y/n!" He grabs my hand once again and I don't have the energy to pull away. I feel so drained, so betrayed by the one person I actually thought... that...

"Y/n please let me explain" he says with a shaky voice, holding my two hands.
"Noah I heard enough, how. How could you do this Noah."
"I know but-

"No you don't know, I can't believe I trusted you, to come into my house, to sleep in my bed." I felt another tear rolling down my face.
"I can't believe I thought you fell for me too"
I begin to laugh and put my hand on my forehead. I turn back to him and can see his eyes filling up.
"The sad thing is I actually thought you were different, like all the others but your not, your exactly like them."
He grabs my face and pulls it close to him. "Y/n I swear I'm not like them, it's you. You made me become a better person y/n"
I shake my head and pull away from him. "I can't"

I walk away expecting and hoping for him to run after me, but he doesn't. He stands there watching me, I could feel his eyes on me because he stared at me so much when we were together, I got used to it.

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