C H A P T E R 01

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Special mention to brightsadamapple I'm going to make an exemption for this person since he/she tried so hard to guess the title💌😂

Bright's POV

It's just another day at work

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It's just another day at work. Nothing special happens when I'm here, and I am not expecting one...

"Is that all, ma'am?" I asked as I wrote their order on my notepad.

The Lady nodded "Yes, thank you"

"Your order will be here shortly" I said and gave them a nod before proceeding on heading back to the kitchen.

When I entered the Kitchen, the chefs are already busy receiving and making the orders. It is quite busy today at the restaurant since it's Saturday, a lot of dates and family dates here and there.

I called one of the chefs and gave him the order. He took the order and thanked me before running off and making it. A pat on my shoulder making me look to see who it is.

"Hey, you should go home now" P'Earth said

"Are you sure? The restaurant is a bit packed today" I said

Phi shook his head "Nahh... It's fine, it is pass your shift already, we can handle this one now"

I smiled and nodded "Thanks, Phi"

I went out of the kitchen and headed to the staff room to change. I took off my working uniform and wore a everyday clothing. I placed my used uniform on my bag and the apron of the rack inside my locker before heading outside

I bid goodbye to the others as I went to my car. Placing my bag on the passenger seat and starting the engine, I started my way back home. You see, it's just me, my son and my grandmother who lives in a nice house but my grandma also manages a small bakery in which I am working too.

Arriving at our house, the bakery is quite pack as well. I parked the car on the drive way and hop off, I check the bakery first and it seems like their handling it very well.

"Shira!" I called one of our workers, she heard me and looks at me "Call me if you need any help!"

"Got yah!" She shouted back.

I went out of the store and went inside the house, our house is actually just beside the store and it is easy to go there than the restaurant, but we still need more income that is why I'm still working at a restaurant.

As I opened the door to our house. I went inside and took my shoes off before stepping foot inside.

"Mom! Chatri! I'm home!!" I shouted as I placed my bags down on the couch and walking towards the kitchen. Yes, I call my grandma "Mom"

"Dad!!" My son shouted as he went down the stairs, he run toward me and wrapped his arms on my waist "Can you help me with my assignment?"

I placed the empty glass of water on the kitchen counter and nodded "Sure. What subject?"

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