C H A P T E R_11

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Win's POV

         The flight is seemingly quiet and it went smoothly, though I fell asleep most if the time

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    The flight is seemingly quiet and it went smoothly, though I fell asleep most if the time. Chatri really did enjoy riding the plane. We finally landed at the airport and head out after getting our luggages.

    I offered to call for an uber, Bright protested but I just hushed him. That guy never wants anything fancy, but I grew up in one so I'm not going to let him. Besides that, it's Chatri's birthday and I want it to be special.

    We finally arrived at the hotel, I booked in a hotel near the Disneyland and Chatri loves it. We get to stay in a room with two beds, ma and...tsk...that girl, Shira, got the bedroom next to ours.

    "Woah!!! Look! I can see the castle from here!" Chatri said with excitement and pointing out the view.

    "Hm-mh" Bright nodded as he place their clothes on the closet. "Now, go and get your things out, I'll sort them soon once I'm done with this"

   I walk up to him and peaked in to see what's he's been doing to the closet. "What are you doing?"

   "I'm sanitizing it" He said and that's when I saw the alcohol spray on his hand.

   I looked at him in disbelief. "Are you f*cking serious?"

   "No. Cussing." His tone and aura changed. He glanced at me side ways, his gaze making my legs feel weak.

  I gulped and nodded. He went want on...I guess, sanitizing the closet.

   "I'm sorry about Dad, Papa Win" Chatri spoke up. "He's like that, he doesn't like people cussing around me and when there are children around"

   I smiled and nodded. "I'll keep that in mind"

  I'm getting used to Chatri calling me Papa, well, not that I mind though. Chatri left to change his clothes and I helped Bright do his things. After arranging all the clothes, Ma and Sheena appeared on our door step. I thought I locked the doors?

  "Hey, Boys! 're you guys ready?" She asked.

  Bright pushed the empty luggage on the side and dusted off his hands. "Yeah, Chatri's still changing so we'll just catch up to you guys"

  "Alright, you say so" with that, they left.

  "Oh.... Win" I turned my head to Bright, only meet a soft kiss from him.

   I hummed and let myself engulfed with his pheromones. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he did the same with my waist. He kept stepping forward causing for me to fall on the bed, but he did not break the kiss. When he finally pulled away, inches away from my face.

   He has a soft smile on his face and his eyes shows adoration that I can't seem to look away.

   "I've been wanting to do that ever since you arrived at the house" He said in a husky tone.

BW-S1: Trays and Guns|| A BrightWin AUWhere stories live. Discover now