C H A P T E R_24

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Win's POV

      After spending my time with Bright and Chatri the whole day yesterday, I went straight back to work after landing in Mexico. We flew last night at 11pm and just arrived today at the airport.

   There are already men and a cat waiting for me the moment I stepped out of the airport, some passenger at the airport were staring at me. They must've thought that I'm a celebrity, well....I can't blame them for thinking I am one. I do have the looks to be one.

   I hop inside the van with Kristin following right behind me, when she got in, I ordered the driver to go straight to the company building. We were supposed to stop by my penthouse to get the luggages aside, but I'm in a hurry right now.

     "Are all the papers ready?" I asked her.

   "Yes, sir" she said and gave me a four pages file. I took it and started to skip read through the pages. "Sir AJ and the others that are needed for today's meeting are all waiting"

   "Tell JJ to give out the papers and get everything ready before I get there" I said, giving the paper back to her.

   "Certainly, sir" she replied and took her phone out.

  I just watch the scenery pass by. We needed to address this issue now since it'll become a huge headache for me and the others in the future. I had already informed Dad and Bryan, Dad decided to handle things in Thailand whike me and Bryan are away.

   Bryan is coming with me since he is also a co-leader of the organization, as I said before, he was supposed to be the one to inherit the organization but he refuses.

    After a long hour of drive, we finally reach the port which my private yacht awaits. The meeting is actually in one of my hideout here, a private island. We hop inside the boat and saw three of the Vernende already inside and having a glass of wine.

   "Good thing you're already here, boss" Thyron, one of the Vernende and the manipulator of the group.

    "Why? Am I obligated to not make you all wait?" I asked looking straight in his eyes as I took my seat.

   He shook his head and took out a folder. "Of course not, boss. Here." He gave me the folder and I took it, opening and reading the file inside. "That is also a report from the incident that happened at the warehouse we have in Tennessee three months ago, and I speculated that it also has something to do with what AJ found out at the warehouse incident in Thailand."

     I read the whole two pages report and inspect the photos that are with the paper. I squinted my eyes as they have the same logo that was confirmed to be the bomb. A Claw of an animal.

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