C H A P T E R_41

172 15 3

Same day.....

Bryan's POV

"Sure, I'll keep them safe" I said to him.

He smiled and nodded.

"Good. I'll get going now, thank you for your time" he said.

We both stood up and shook each others' hands. He left the restaurant first and I stayed behind to check some messages I didn't managed to open due to me being in a meeting.

I opened a few important ones, some of them are from the guys back from Greece, my friends there to be exact. And some are actually from Dad, his message said that AJ and Chatri are also here in the same mall as I am.

AJ already told me about it, I actually want him to bring five bodyguards just in case something happens, but I don't want to sleep on the couch on the living room. More importantly, I don't want to sleep far from him. It already happened to me once or twice, and I'm definitely not going to do anything that will lead me to that situation again.

  Ever since I found out that he's pregnant with our first born, my instincts became more protective over him. I know that I'm sometimes too irritating to handle, he always tells me that and I always try my best to not choke him with my will to keep him and our child safe.

  Things are just so messy right now, that's why I'm always so restless even though I don't show it to anyone. But, Win is already starting to notice some things that I've been doing.

  Luckily, he still doesn't have any clue on what they are...

  After checking the emails, I left the restaurant. I walked around the mall just to stretch my legs. I walked by a store that sells baby clothing and things. I smiled looking at one of the displays which is a pair of small shoes. Like, it's so small.

   An image of a baby popped in into my mind, he's wearing the tiny shoes while in AJ's arm. A warm smile appeared on face, I've always dreamed of having a family. A family that has pure love and loyalty, I didn't know that I will be able to have that kind of family through my brother's friend.

Should I propose to him tonight?


After some contemplating, I bought the shoes and other baby necessities and asked the driver to bring them back to the car. I wouldn't want AJ to find out that I already bought things for our child, even though we have no idea what their gender is.

From afar, I already sensed his pheromones. I turned around the corner and saw him and Chatri standing in front of the car while the guards load their things on the trunk. He's back is facing me, so decided to just go and hug him from behind.

Chatri saw me, I placed my finger on my mouth and he understood the assignment. I wrapped my arms around AJ's waist. He relaxed on my arms.

"Looks like I'm on time" I said and kissed his neck. I felt him shiver and his breath hitched.

"Hi, Uncle!" Chatri greeted me.

"Hey, buddy"

  AJ turned around and kissed my lips. He pulled away and rested his forehead on mine.

"You're extra sweet today" I whispered and look straight into his eyes.

He laughs and moves away. "Can't I be sweet to my mate?" He asked with a sassy tone.

"You can. Even if you're 24/7 clingy to me, I'll still love it" I said, pulling him towards me by the waist.

"Can we go now? I miss my own Dads" Chatri said as he pouts at us.

AJ rolled his eyes and I just laughed at him. I kept pushing the kid to go ride with the bodyguards, but the kid is so stubborn. He used his teary puppy eyes on AJ, and I think the kid knows that I always have a hard time saying 'no' to AJ.

Chatri ended up going in the car with us. I kept quiet and made sure that AJ knows how upset I am, whenever he sees me pout, he just laugh and brush his hand on my face before kissing them. It's not going to work.


"Don't worry, we will have our alone time once we're back at our penthouse." he said with a hint of lust in his tone. I'm just glad the kid fell asleep.

He sat back down on his seat and looked at the car window, acting like he just didn't said anything sensual to me. This may be one of the anticipating part of his pregnancy, he's been more...hungry for me...

Ehem... Excuse me.

We finally arrived back home. I carried Chatri back to his room, AJ went straight to our bedroom and I just let the butlers take the groceries and other things they've bought, inside the house and arrange them.

I carefully placed the kid down on his bed and pulled the blanket up on his chin. He moved a bit, turning on his side. Once I made sure that he's comfortable, I left his room and quietly locked the door.h Wile walking on the hallway, I kind of thought of waking Chatri up since it's way too late to sleep in, it's also nearing dinner time. He'll have a headache.

------🔞 R-18 PART🔞-------

I stopped in front of our bedroom and I can already smell his pheromones lingering around. I was planning on waiting until we're back at our penthouse, but I guess he couldn't take it anymore.

I quickly opened the door and shut it fast, so his pheromones will not spread around the house. And there I saw him, on our bed and already touching himself.

He looks up, panting, and reached out his hand. "A-alpha..."

I smirked and went closer to him.

"You waited for me, little one?" I lustfully whispered on his ear before licking them slowly, causing for him moan and shiver. "Did you touch this part?"

I brought my fingers down on his hole and massaged its rim. He's already wet and leaking, I can feel his hole throbbing and his hips moving, desperately wanting it inside.

"Alpha... please...I-...I need...." He whimpered and licked my neck while his hands tries to take my clothes off.

"Patience, my mate" I kissed his lips, down to his chest. "I'll give it to you, once we're back at our own house. I wouldn't want to—"

I was taken back when he forcefully grabbed my body and switched out position. I am now the one laying on the bed and he is sitting on me, grinding his hips on my tent. I groaned and grabbed his hips. I followed his movements and he gasped and collapsed on me.

"I thought you said you wanted to do it on our penthouse?" I asked and his cheek.

He opened his eyes, while breathing heavily, he pushed his body up and sat properly. I don't know, but he seem a bit angry.

"I need to erase that omega's scent on you" he said with an angry tone.

It got me confuse. "What omega?"

He didn't answer, instead, he took out a rope and grabbed my hands, tying it on the headboard.

"Aj, wh—"

"If you move, I'll cut your d*ck off" he threatened me.

He finished tying my hand, and I gotta say. He's good at it, cause I really can't move my hands.

"Now, since I caught you with another omega's scent...." He slowly leaned forward, and whispered. "My Alpha needs a good punishment, isn't that right?"

And all of the sudden, I have a gag on my mouth.

"Be a good Alpha, and take your punishment well"

Damn, he's so hot when jealous....

Updated: 26th of May 2024
         So, the next chapter are all going to be smut, but I'll add some action to it.


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