C H A P T E R_27

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________________________Win's POV

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Win's POV

"Who's family is it?" I asked.

Dad smiled and pointed at AJ. "His family."

I looked at AJ, who is just looking at Dad with a serious expression. He didn't seem surprised that Dad just said that. Meanwhile, Bryan looks so confused as I am.

"If you managed to scare them off before, then you can do it again, right?" Bryan asked.

"Scare them off? I don't think so." AJ spoke which got our attention. "Your father did not scare them, he killed them all."

"Wait, if you already wiped their group, then why the heck did they came after the Chivaree?" Bryan asked. I was going to ask that.

"Easy. Someone else is using their name as a cover up." Dad answered. He then looked at me. "What do you think?"

"I guess so, but as far as I remember. Bright's family don't do any illegal loaning nor they have any deeds on things like that." I said.

   Never once Bright and Ma mentioned anything about them loaning or asking for money from a unknown organization, as to what Bright said, it'll be troublesome to be involved underground.

"Are you sure though?" Bryan asked. I looked at him, he raised his hands and said. "No offense, I'm not pinning something to your boyfriend, I was just asking."

"Enough. We're getting off the topic." Dad spoke and we all went silent. "So, William, now that you know who did this your partner and his son, what's your plan?"

"Slaughter them." I said with no emotion.

Yes. All I want to do right now is to kill every single one of them. They put Chatri and Bright in a dangerous and traumatizing situation, not only that, even Sheena got tangled up in this mess. I should've known that once I get involve in a normal person's life, I...I will only put their lives at risk.

"You really took after you grandfather." Dad muttered as he massaged his forehead.

"Yep. Now I'm getting goosebumps." Bryan said as he shivers and acted scared.

I squinted at them and rolled my eyes. "There's no point talking about a person whom I never met and is dead."

"Ouch. Don't say that, son. Your grandfather might rise up from the grave and whip your ass." Dad said in a threatening-but joking manner.

"Really?" I asked sarcastically. "But anyway, I need to go. Bryan, proceed with the instructions I gave you. AJ, do the same. Dad, you...."

Dad rasied his eyebrows at me, waiting for what I'm about to say. I exhaled and said.

"Thank you for coming, you can do whatever you want." I said before standing up.

"Then, can I see Night?" He said with a smile on his face.

BW-S1: Trays and Guns|| A BrightWin AUWhere stories live. Discover now