C H A P T E R_45 - End of Season One

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Two weeks later....

Third Person POV

The sun is shining brightly today, all of them are in the pool having fun, cooking barbeque and also making seafood boils. Chatri is busy playing water gun with Gemini, Mix, JJ and Tyrhon's little brother, Levi.

They just suddenly decided to have a nice pool party, no special occasion or such, just having fun with friends and family. Bryan and AJ left earlier for AJ's monthly check-ups, and Win is just heading back from his meeting.

"Chatri! No running on the side of the pool!" Bright shouted as he saw his son running frantically on the side of the pool, being chased by JJ.

"Sorry, Dad!" Chatri apologized

"Sorry, Bright!" JJ as well.

Bright just shook his head and continued cooking the barbeques, Earth and Tyrhon are helping him. The girls, Jazenne and Cyrine are busy taking pictures on the side of the pool. Some of the Vernendes got a day off from Win. The rest are still on the lookout.

"Hmm~ that smells amazing, Bright!" Jazenne said as she approach them.

"Thanks, I used my Papa's recipe for the marinade" Bright proudly said.

Jazenne and Tyrhon looked at each other, thinking the same thing. It'll be a good opportunity to ask Bright about his family, other than his late mate's side. Jazenne took a chair and sat down near the table where the rest of the cooked foods are.

"Your Papa must have loved cooking so much" Jazenne said. She slummed and on the table, careful on not hitting any of the plates and foods. "My stomach is already screaming"

Bright laughed as he took the plate for the cooked pork meats. "Yes, he loves cooking. That is where I got my love for cooking. You can eat now, if you want"

This time, Tyrhon's the one who spoke.

"Where's your Papa? We haven't me him aside fro-"

Jazenne and Tyrhon both halt and froze on their places. Bright's face darken and the aura around him changed. He's still cooking, but the two can feel the shift on the atmosphere around Bright. Bright placed the plate on the table, quietly.

"My Papa went missing the day I turned five." Bright answered with a quiet tone.

The two are now cautious of their action. They don't know as to why their bodies wouldn't move the way they want to, and it's like something 's blocking the air from them.

Bright slowly looked at Tyrhon, making him flinch and shake in his place. "Why'd you ask?" He asked in a slow dominant tone.

"I-It's just...Sor-"

"Dad!" Chatri ran towards them with the water gun on his hand and Levi running behind him.

Jazenne and Tyrhon let out a breath, feeling free from whatever's suffocating them earlier. Tyrhon looked at Bright and noticed that the man went back to his usual aura. Jazenne stood up and excused herself before going to where Cyrine is. Tyrhon diverted his attention to his little brother, who went to him for some water.

"Is something wrong?" Bright asked.

"Can we have some of the cooked ones? My stomach is rumbling" Chatri said

"Okay, but wash your hands first" Bright replied as he took two plates for the kids' food.

"But we're already wet" Chatri said looking at his Dad with a raised eyebrow.

BW-S1: Trays and Guns|| A BrightWin AUWhere stories live. Discover now