C H A P T E R_46 - Start of SEASON TWO

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Bright's POV

 It's been three weeks since Win revealed to us that he's pregnant. Well, he told me first, and then I told everyone else by shouting loudly. It lead to everyone finding out rather quickly, his friends and other workers congratulate him. Everyone on the restaurant also gave their congratulations to me and Win.

The second week after knowing that my mate is pregnant, I decided to quit my waiter job and just focus on the café. P'Singto and the others at work were sad about it, but nevertheless, they all seemed happy for me and my future family of four. I haven't told Win about me quitting that job, I plan on telling him about it today.

Oh, and I'm recovering very well and fast. I'm still anxious about letting Chatri out because of those men who attacked us that night. Even though, Bryan and Gemini told me to not worry about it anymore and just focus on taking care of Win, my children and the business that Ma had left for me.

The café is actually doing great, we have some new employees, most of them are working students. I still go there to look how the place is going, and our house. I decided to put it on rent.

I still vividly remember when I saw Tine that day, telling me to move on and find new love, and the first step on doing that is to let go of some things. I took some important things of mine and Chatri back to Win's mansion, and the old photos of mine and tine, I put them in a box.

While doing so, I felt a sting on my heart when I put the photos inside the box, I'd be lying if I say that I don't miss him, cause I do. But, my heart screams Win's name now. Mine and Tine's love story ended in a tragic way, but I hope....

This time.....

It'll not be the same ending.......


I was snapped out of my thoughts when Chatri shouted my name. I looked at him on the other side of the table. We're both eating some Ice cream on a ice cream stall near the park.

"Yeah?" I asked and wiped off some ice cream on my face.

"I'm asking if we're still going to buy some things and clothes for my baby sibling." He said. "We already bought a lot of them, I think Papa's going to lecture you again for buying so much stuff."

I chuckled and shook my head. "Don't worry about that, I know how to handle those kind of things."

He smiled at me and looked at the kids playing at the park. "Were you like that when Papa Tine was pregnant with me?"

"Yes, I also remember him crying because he thinks I'm over buying baby stuff and things for him, that I don't have anything left for myself" I told him.

Remembering the times when Chatri was still inside Tine, I'm kind of excited on experiencing them again. And I'm sure that Chatri's going to be a good big brother to his future sibling.

"I wonder what our lives would be if Papa Tine didn't die" he said with his eyes fixated on the kids playing with their parents on the swing.

I looked at my son and saw longing in his eyes. Even though he seems happy and not bothered by whenever someone or some kids asks him why his Papa Tine's not with him, I know that he still wants to meet him.

I placed my hand over his, and got his attention.

I smiled at him. "I bet it'll be a happy one"

He stares at me for a minute before smiling. He nodded and we both finishes our ice creams. I grabbed the box that was full of things taht we've bought and brought it to the car.

"You...bought a lot again, sir bright" Zee, our official bodyguard assigned by my beautiful mate, said as he helps me load them on the trunk.

"Yeah, when there's a baby on the way. The word limit and too much isn't in my vocabulary" I said.

"Oh, I'm sure" he said.

We all hop inside the car and drove back to the mansion. It was a quiet and quick ride. It's still around 4pm when we got back, and this is usually the time where Win is asleep in our bedroom. He sleeps a lot now.

We carried the boxes upstairs towards the nursery room, which is just beside mine and Win's room. The room next to it is Chatri's. Chatri and Zee did the unloading while I went to out bedroom to see Win.

And there I saw him, sleeping soundly. I went him and hugged him from behind. He moved and turned around, he wrapped his arms around me with his eyes still close. 

My hands went to his stomach. It's still not visible, but I can feel our little ray of sunshine growing inside him. I took a deep breath before nuzzling my nose on top of his head and falling asleep, with my mate and unborn child in my arms.


Win's POV

I woke up when I smelled something familiar. I'm still a bit sleepy but I forced my eyes to open, there I was met with Bright's chest. Softly breathing, I looked up and saw that he's asleep. I couldn't help but kiss his lips.

I stayed there for a couple of minutes before deciding to get up from bed. He seems really tired since he didn't move when I removed his arms around my waist. I looked at the clock and saw that's it's already 6pm.

I was asleep for 4 hours. I'm actually getting worried about my body, I've been lazing around and it's getting a toll on me. Like, sometimes whenever I look at the mirror, I couldn't help but notice that I seem to be getting fat.

This was already explained by the doctor that I might get a lot of cravings, especially weird ones, and I will gain weight as the baby grows. He also explained that my hormones might get a bit haywire. I'm actually planning on going back to the gym. I'm not on my third trimester, so I think it's fine as long as I just do soen light workouts.

"What's inside your head, bunny?" I startled a bit when Bright spoke.

"Tell me the truth, okay?" I said.

He looks at me with sleepy eyes. He sat up and wrapped his arms around my waist, resting his chin on my shoulder before nodding.

"Am I.... Am I getting fat?" I asked looking down at my own body.

He moved his head to look at me with furrowed eyebrows. "No, bunny. You look gorgeous, why'd you ask that?"

"I kind of think that I'm starting to get fat"

He chuckled. "That's because there's two of you sharing the nutrients in your body, bunny"

"I know that." I said. I moved a bit and turned to look at him. "I kind of want to do some light workouts, I hate the thought of just sleeping and not doing anything until this child of yours comes out of me"

Bright looks at me for a second before nodding.

"If that's what my mate wants" he said before kissing my forehead. "Do you want me to join you?" He asked looking at me with hooded eyes.

I shook my head and pushed his face away from mine, laughing. "Shut it, I know that it'll lead to something else, you horny wolf"

"You can't blame me if I'm so addicted to you" he whined and pouted.

I kissed his pouted lips, I took off his arms around my waist before standing up.

"Let's go and eat dinner. Me and your child are hungry"

"Yes, Boss!"

He saluted.

I'm really lucky to have this man.... God, I love him....

Updated: 22nd of June 2024
       Season two is here, it'll be fast. I've been studying for the next exam. Wish me luck 🙏🏼


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