C H A P T E R_42

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Gemini's POV

   We're currently at the mansion of Win's Dad, and when I said "We", I meant all of us. Bright, Win, Bryan, AJ and some other bodyguards were left back at Win's mansion. It is an order from the former head Master.

  "Why are we here again?" JJ asked while eating a pizza.

  "Because, we just brought Win back to Bright and, your brother and Bryan are probably doing some kinky pregnancy sex" Mix said before drinking some soda.

"Sheesh... Never been grateful to uncle Wilhem for taking us out of there." JJ said. "Should we wake Chatri up?"

I was about to answer but, someone sat down on the empty seat beside me. I looked and its Chatri.

"Good evening...." He said with a sleepy tone, still scratching his eyes and yawning. "Why am I here? Where are we anyway?"

"We're at your Grandpa's house" I said. I grabbed a slice of pizza and gave it to him.

"Thank you" he took the pizza and took a bite. "When are we are going back?"

"We just arrived like fifteen minutes ago, little man. We'll probably go back there after a week" Earth said.

Chatri frowned and looked down. "But, I want to see Dad and Papa"

Me and the boys looked at each other, we knew that this kid will look for Win and Bright since they're practically his parents. But, we need to explain to him why we're not allowed to go back at the house just yet. I think they already had a lesson about this, since he is already 12 years old. This should be easy.

"Your parents are busy making your baby siblings" JJ said bluntly.


"So blunt"

"Good one"

"Drop the bomb in one go"

 We all said to JJ when he said that out loud and he doesn't seem bothered by it. I looked at Chatri's reaction and he also seems not surprised about it. I swear, this child is much more mature than any of the kids around his age. Which is kind of good, I guess.

"Oh, is Papa in heat?" Chatri asked

"Yep. And it just so happens that your Dad is also in his rut." This time, I'm the one who answered.

He hummed and nodded before taking a bite of his pizza. "Then, I will really going to have little siblings now."

The way he said that, it looks like he's been expecting it. We did not bother asking and he didn't ask more about it either. Instead, we just watched a movie while eating. Uncle Wilhem went to bed early, he is old so it's understandable. I just hope our two friends will be able to walk very soon.


Third Person POV


 After Gemini and Earth dropped Win back to it's room, Win stayed there until the two also brought Bright to the bedroom. Wilhem is just outside his son's room, observing the men as they bring the two mates together again.

"Is this a good idea, uncle?" Gemini asked as he left Win's room.

"William may deny it, but I know that he just need a little push." Wilhem said and started to walk away. "He's always been like that ever since he was young"

"But, wouldn't that be a bit dangerous since the possibility of him getting pregnant will be high." Earth said as they follow the old man down the stairs.

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