C H A P T E R_04

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Bright's POV

   After going to the mall, I decided to go home early now since Shira called and said that they needed more help at the bakery

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   After going to the mall, I decided to go home early now since Shira called and said that they needed more help at the bakery. We already bought the things that we need, I held Chatri's hands as we both walked towards the parking lot. I helped him get inside the car and placed all the things at the trunk before going to the driver seat.

    "Dad, are you going to work?" My son asked. I turned my head around and answered.

   "Grandma needs some help at the bakery, you can play with your friends while we're working." He nodded and I started the car engine and focused on the road.

    It took us longer than usual, unfortunately, there's an accident at the road that caused a long traffic. Luckily, no one was hurt in that accident. We arrived at the bakery, Chatri immediately went inside the house and brought his guitar with him, he also carried the books we bought since it's only like four hard covered books.

     I went to the bakery and greeted some customers who are leaving. I entered the kitchen and saw mom with her face covered in flour, I laughed and it caught her attention.

   She raised the spatula and threw at me, some of the dough on the spatula went on my head. "You punk, get your apron now and help us"

    I picked up the spatula and washed it first before giving it back to mom. I wear my apron and took the work of kneading the bread.

   "You really are good at kneading, huh?" I heard Shira's voice. I looked at her direction and saw her carrying boxes and placed them down on the floor. "We've got another order of 4 boxes of caramel, vanilla, raspberry and chocolate cupcakes and tarts, 12 pieces each."

   "That's a lot, are you sure?" I asked. As I slice the dough into small pieces

   Shira nodded "Yes, and we're lucky that we just got the new batch of those cupcakes fresh out of the oven. Gina just finished putting the icing on"

   "Good. Son, can you place them in the boxes? And can you be the one to deliver them?" Mom asked and I agreed, it's not like I can say "no" to her.

   "Where are Fred and Gat?" I asked and placed the already made dough in a tray,Shira continued what I was doing by brushing some egg yolk on the doughs.

   "Those two are already out delivering the first orders" Ice said, one of the staff and is in-charge of taking orders for now. "We need new batch for the turtle shaped cookies"

  "That cookie sells fast, huh?"


    After a few minutes, I finally finished placing each order in their boxes. I made sure that the cupcakes will not be squished while I put them at the bag that is attached on my motorbike.

   "Here's the address, apparently, it's a business building and the one who ordered that is a very high ranking one" Shira said while setting the location on my phone.

BW-S1: Trays and Guns|| A BrightWin AUWhere stories live. Discover now