C H A P T E R_10

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Bright's POV

   Win fell asleep right away, I fixed the blanket and proceeded to wear my own pajamas, though I only wore the pants and not the top. It's already warm.

   I carefully went under the covers and laid on the bed with Win on my side. I laid on my side, admiring his peaceful face. I couldn't stop myself, I carefully kissed his lips and slowly parted mine from his. He whined and unconsciously moved his body near me.

     He is now between my arms, his face on my chest. I can feel his hot breath on my skin, his soft sounds is a lullaby for me. I hugged him closely, burying my nose on his hair before falling asleep.


    "No... don't"



   I woke up from someone's voice, I blinked a few times to adjust my blurry sight until it became clear. I look on my side and saw Win with a uncomfortable expression on his face, he also kept on moving around in distress and kept on whimpering.

    Out of worry, I sat up and placed my hand on his cheek.

    "Hey" I patted his cheek gently. "Bunny, wake up—what's wrong?"

    " *Whimpers* No—Don't take him~" He mumbled, clearly still asleep.

   I let out a breath and carefully sat him up on my lap, I wrap my arms around his torso and my hand gently caressing his hair. Leaning my back on the head board of the bed.

   "Baby~ you have to wake up, it's just a nightmare" I whispered onto his ear. He kept on whimpering and I just continued on whispering comforting words.

   Soon after, his whimpers died down and he's fast asleep peacefully again. We both stayed in that position, Win tossed around and set his face on my chest again before sighing.

  Only if you knew you're chest is much more juicy than mine....

   When that came in my mind, I shake my head vigorously to get it out. I can't have a boner right now. I look at the clock that on the wall and saw that it's already 4am, I decided to get up and make some breakfast since we need to leave early and check if everything is ready.

    I carefully rest Win's body on the mattress, though his whimpered again for the lost of contact with my warmth, I just gave him my pillow and he immediately attached himself to it.

    I did my morning routine before leaving the room, quietly as I could. Before heading downstairs, I checked my son first, he's still asleep and had kept his iPad on again. I swear, I'll confiscate his gadgets very soon...

    I took the iPad and thankfully—no, unluckily, It's on 20%. I grabbed the charger and charged it away from my son. The radiation will affect his brain while asleep, so it's better to charge your gadgets away from you.

   After that, I checked his bag and inspect it if everything is inside. Once I'm done, I grabbed it and took it with me downstairs, reaching the sofa in the living room, I placed it there and opened the lights.

     I walk to the kitchen and started cooking, I'm trying hard not to make any noise since all of them are still sleeping. I already cooked the hot soup and sausages when someone came down from the stairs. I look up to see Sheena with her PJ's on and rubbing her eyes.

   "Hey, Bright...."she greeted me with her rough morning voice then sat down on the stool.

   "Good morning, too" I responded. "You should rinse your mouth and wash your face first, I'll get the breakfast ready"

BW-S1: Trays and Guns|| A BrightWin AUWhere stories live. Discover now