C H A P T E R_37

409 28 1

Three weeks later.....
Win's POV

  "Come here, baby" I cooed at him as I stretched my arms.

  He slowly moves his legs and managed to take a step forward, we all cheered and he didn't bother to respond since he is so focused on making the next step.

"You can do it!" P'New shouted ashe claps his hand.

A few more steps and he finally grabbed my forearms and leaned on me. He was still a bit shaky but, I'm glad he's getting good progress.

"You guys act like I'm a new born baby" He said looking at them unfazed.

  "Well, you are learning how to walk again." Bryan said.

Bright just glared at him. I rolled my eyes and held his hand as I walk with him back to his bed.

"You're improving fast" I said and gave him a quick kiss on the lips. "Good job" smiling softly.

He smiled back, staring at my lips. "Will I get more of that if I managed to walk even faster?"

I looked behind me and saw them looking at us with amused expressions, Chatri have a huge smile plastered on his face, Dad's awkwardly looking around and my brother...well....

  He's pouting

I looked back at Bright. "Maybe? Just recovering smooth and safe is fine for me to give you a kiss"

"Hehe...okay!" He answered.

Everyone's here inside my bedroom, well, mine and Bright's bedroom now, giving me their support to him on recovering fast. But, mostly just to annoy and tease him.

"Okay! Everyone can leave now, thank you for your support" I said, shooing them away.

"Why so sudden, papa?" Chatri asked, clearly upset while pouting his lips.

I leaned down and squished his cheek, slightly. "Because, your Dad needs to take his vitamins and you said you wanted to be the one to bring in his lunch."

Chatri looked confused for a moment before it finally hit him. He nodded and ran out of the room. Dad and the others left as well. Bryan and AJ went back to their penthouse, Aj's stomach is already showing signs, which we're all happy about.

"Here you go, drink it" I gave him the syrup and a glass of water.

He looked at it disgustingly and reluctantly took the syrup. "Why do I have to drink this?"

I sighed and faced him with my hands on my hips. "Do you want to get more than my kiss or not?" I said with a serious tone.

His eyes widen. He didn't answer but, he quickly gulped down the vitamin and water, he actually have to drink a lot of medicine and I have to apply some ointment on the bullet wounds.

They're already healing, we're just putting on some ointment so it wouldn't scar. It's actually me who wanted those scars to fade away, I wouldn't want to be reminded of that incident.....


I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard Bright's voice. I looked at him and he's looking at me with worry. He smiled softly and extended his left hand, I placed my right hand on top of his and he pulled me in to sit on his lap.

"Is something bothering you?" He asked as he gives me butterfly kisses on my nape.

"It's nothing" I answered

"Well, it's clearly not nothing if you've been spacing out a lot"

I sighed and pulled back a little to look at his eyes. "I'm still worried."

BW-S1: Trays and Guns|| A BrightWin AUWhere stories live. Discover now