C H A P T E R_32

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‼️Chapter Warning: This chapter contains gruesome details, tortures, gore and other things that might be unsettling and uneasy for some readers to read. If you are one of those readers, please skip this Chapter.

Again, you've been warned‼️


Third Person's View

Rat number one slowly woke up as he hears a irritating buzzing sound, rat number two and three also woke up. Number one's the first one to notice the device that's around his head. Number two's body shakes as he sees a device that looks very similar to a Venus flytrap. Number three remained calm, there's nothing around his head, but he is sure that there's a gun behind him.

"Looks like our playmates are awake" Win said in an uninterested tone.

The three rats followed Win's every moment, he walks towards them and signaled Mix and Gemini to wait. Number two is already shaking in fear, he knew that trying to infiltrate or even getting involve in any mission that has something to do with the Blackwater will surely have his head fall and roll on the floor.

"We will play a game," Win said as he stopped in front of number one, putting a safe distance between them. "We'll ask, and you'll answer. Simple as that, right?"

"And what if we don't want to answer?" Number one asked as gritted his teeth. He's acting tough, even though deep inside him is a dog ready to run with its tail between its legs.

"Easy question, see those devices around your head?" Win said and pointed out. "That'll be our toys for today's play. If you're lucky, you might even make it by tomorrow."

Number one smirk and spitted on the floor, almost reaching Win's Prada shoes. "Like we'll just fvcking play that silly childish games of yours, wh*re!"

Win raised his eyebrow and looked down at the man like a disgusting piece of trash that was left to rot on the side of the street. Instead of punching the man, he decided to remain calm since he thought that seeing the man trying to free himself from the trap would be much more entertaining.

"I didn't ask you if you want to play, I simply ordered you to play." He said.

The man laughed. "Really? What an idiot!" Number one shouted, he's starting to irritate Win. "What made you think that we'll listen to your orders? You are not our, Boss!"

"I don't need permission from anyone if I want to play." Win said and walked away. "Mix, Gemini, Kao. You may start."

Mix skipped as he make his way towards the toy he choose. Number two. Gemini went to number one and Kao, well, he is already behind number three. Number three has been quiet all this time, just observing everything and obeying. Geass already noticed it.

"Now, the one who will do the answering is...Number three! Mr. Zee!" Mix said with full of excitement.

Zee just looked at Mix with a glare, Mix looks back at him and just smiled. He didn't say a word, and kept his gaze on Geass. The man has no idea how to react on their captive's stare, Geass looked away and held his composure. Win noticed his comrade's change in aura.

"Are you alright?" he asked.

Geass nodded. "I am alright, sir. Don't worry"

"If you say so," Win said as he looks back at the three men. "If you're not feeling well, you are free to leave."

Geass only responds with a nod.

"First question, Since when did Fiat started on joining your operations??" Mix asked looking at Zee.

BW-S1: Trays and Guns|| A BrightWin AUWhere stories live. Discover now