C H A P T E R_38

233 13 0

Win's POV

  "Are you certain?" I asked again

He nodded "Yes, that's why they've been targeting the Chiva-ree"

  I looked down at the table, thinking deeply of what my next move will be. This guy has been really cooperative to us, though I'm already sensing why...

"Alright, thank you for cooperating with us" I said and stood up, but he whistled, catching my attention.

"Not so fast, Metawin" he said with a smirk on his face. I sighed...

"What do you want in exchange?" I asked in a serious tone

"Wow, you already know what I'll say" he said and crossed his arms on his chest. "I just want a small favor, just a very small one"

I squinted my eyes and looked at him sternly, Tyrhon already on stance , his hand on his gun holster.

"Say it"

Zee Pruk Panich, smiled innocently and pointed at one of my men. "I just want to have a nice dinner with that cutie over there"

I looked at Nunew and saw a faint blush but looks at Zee with anger. I already have hints on what they are and he may be the reason why our dear hostage is so cooperative with us..

"Only if he wants to" I said and turned to face Nunew. "So?"

He seemed hesitant, he looks at me and back the Zee. After a minute, he hesitantly nodded. I saw Zee's smile got wider.

"Okay, then it's settled." I said and turned my back on the table. "Tell Gemini to arrange a simple dinner for Nunew and our....dear guest, use the spare room on the 3rd floor"

Tyrhon looks at me dumbfounded but, he nodded absently. I left the room and let them put Zee back to his room. I'm no person who'll separate two mates, they might not say it, but their eyes definitely shows it.

I left the room and saw JJ already waiting outside, leaning on the wall. He stood straight when he saw me...

"Where are the items you found on the warehouse?" I asked.

"It's currently on the lab, we already checked if its a bomb or some sort of poisonous chemical." He explained as we both walked towards the Laboratory

  "And the results?"

  "All clear, no poison or bomb detected inside" JJ said. "But..."

I stopped and turned to look at him. "What?"

  "There really is something inside, and it looks like someone's part"

  We stare at each other's eyes without muttering any words. I turned around and continued to walk. It's not like its the first time we've received these kind of gifts from an anonymous group.

  Reaching the lab, Gemini and some other doctors we have here are all gathered around the table. They all turned their heads around when we wlaked in.

  "Looks like we don't need to find the bastards" Gemini said as he smirked and motioned his head on the table.

They moved away as I walked towards it, and on the table was the head of the men who shot Bright that day. I was shocked at first, we've been looking for him for months now, why did he suddenly showed up but just a head?

  "Did you get any info about who sent this?" I asked as I grabbed the gloves from one of the doctors.

  "Nope, all the footages were deleted." Gemini said. "We found that at 2:06am , near the entrance of the 2nd gate."

BW-S1: Trays and Guns|| A BrightWin AUWhere stories live. Discover now