C H A P T E R_34

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Bryan's POV

   We're now looking at the isles for the ingredients of the food we're making, well... mostly, I mean, Chatri's the one who'll be cooking. I'm actually planning on calling AJ to tell him that we should just eat dinner at Win's place. I'm sure he'll like it, I haven't told him about Bright being awake yet.

"Uncle!" Chatri called out, I looked behind me to see him carrying 3 huge boxes of cereal. "Here are the cereals, let's cross them out on the list"

"Good job, Night." I removed the cereals on the list, we're only now left with 5 items on Dad's grocery lists. "Okay, only a few more to go. Let's go"

  After an hour of going around the store, we finally got everything on the list. I carried the boxes of groceries we've bought and Chatri carried the papers bags in which contains the ingredients he needed.

   He wanted them to be placed separately, something about not having to search for the ingredients on the boxes.

  "Is that all, Chatri?" I asked as I slammed the door shut.

  "Yep, let's go, now!" He said as he gets ibto his seat with the paper bag on his lap

I hop on the driver seat and started the engine. While driving, I grabbed my phone and called AJ, after a few rings, he finally picked up.

["W-what is it??"] He said in a groggy tone. Looks like he just woke up...

  "Hey, hon. I have some news for you, but I was just thinking if it's alright for us to have dinner at Win's place"

["Of course, it's fine."] He said and I heard some footsteps on his line. ["Did Dad suggested it?"]

I shook my head, even though I know he couldn't see me. "Nope, I did. But, he'll be fine with it since he actually wants all of us to be there today."]

There was silence on the other line for a few minutes, but I can still hear his soft breathing.

["Is Bright awake?"] He asked, surprising me a little bit.

  I sighed before answering. "Yes, hon. He's awake, Win's with him right now and Chatri wanted to make something for them"

I heard squealing on the other line, it kind of hurt my ear.

["Oh my goodness, we need a big feast if that's the case! Should I bring my own share of dinner?"] He said in excitement.

I chuckled because of his cuteness. "Baby, there's no need to bring anything. I'll call one my men to drive you here, just change into something comfortable and I'll wait for you, okay?

["But, I also want to cook something "] he now said with a defeated tone.

"Hon, we just bought a lot of groceries. I bet the ingredients you need will be here."

["And what if it's not there?"]

"Then I'll go buy it" I said with whole confidence. I heard Chatri lowly laugh, I looked back quickly and smirked at him before looking back at the road.

["Okay, fine. I'll go get dressed now, focus on the road, okay?"]

"Yes, hon. Love you!" I said sweetly and made kissing noises.

"Ewww....!" Chatri commented.

I heard AJ laughed. ["Looks like you have a hater with you"]

"I guess so."

["Alright, I'll see you later. Love you too"]

  He ended the call first and I focused on the road. Chatri moved from his seat and leaned on my shoulder.

BW-S1: Trays and Guns|| A BrightWin AUWhere stories live. Discover now