C H A P T E R_39

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Bright's POV

  "What do you mean he does not want me?" I asked in confusion, because those words are absolute lies. "I'm his alpha!"

  "You are not!" He retorted. "You must've forgotten that you and him aren't marked yet, meaning, you two are not officially mates"

   I was flabbergasted by what he said. How could I totally forget about that. I've been meaning to ask Win about it, because I am sure about him now. I want him to be the one who'll stay by my side, I'm completely moved on from my previous mate's death, Tine's the one who let me go, who reassured me that it's okay for me to love again...

  I still miss him from time to time, but Win is the one with me right now, and I couldn't be more grateful that I have met him.

   "Why are you telling me this?" I asked, making it clear with my tone and expression that I'm irritated and want to rip his head off for telling me to not go to my omega....

"Because this is what Win wants. He knew that you will be going there to help him as his partner, but he doesn't want any help right now" he answered with a serious expression...

  "We've been together for almost a year now, there must be a reason why"

  He smirked and looked at me with a spiteful expression. "I don't know, ask yourself"

  My blood continues to boil as he prolonged his answer to my question, I started to growl at him, ready to tear him. Part. By. Part.

  "Calm down, puppy" he said with a  taunting tone. "You reek of lust. That's why he doesn't want you there, he knew that you'll also be in rut the same day as his heat."

   It all makes sense now, 2 weeks ago he asked me about when my next rut will be. I did not think much about it. Despite us already talking about marking each other on his next heat, why is he changing his mind now?

   "Give me a reason why, or I'll rip you to shreds for keeping my omega away from me" I growled, my wolf slowly showing....

   "He didn't specify why, but I have a hunch." He paused for a second, looking at me up and down. "He doesn't want any kids for now"

   My wolf and I whimpered after hearing that my mate doesn't to carry my pups. But, at the same time, I'm angry that he's not spending his heat with me.

  "Both of you are not in your right state of mind, and Win made it clear that he doesn't want any kids for now" He said sternly

I don't believe him.....

"He will never say that" I said in a hushed tone, almost inaudible...


   "Where's. My. Mate."

"Hush now, pup. He's safe, just stay h—"

Bryan's POV

   I feel bad for keeping them apart, but it's for their own good. I can't have Win pregnant when things right now are not yet resolved. It'll be more dangerous.

"H...ll.....er....at..." I heard him muttering something, but I didn't hear that much...


"Where's. My. Mate."

I sighed. I already expected that this would be his reaction. "Hush now, pup. He's safe, just stay h—"

  The minute I blinked, he's already in front of me with his claws out and ready to slash me. I managed to dodge them, but he's way too quick. His eyes are dilated and his fangs are showing.

BW-S1: Trays and Guns|| A BrightWin AUWhere stories live. Discover now