fall damage testing

681 30 29

How the hell did I just figure out that God tiers are 6+ and not 8+

Whatever the only thing Arlo is godly at is his shitty grammar

Okay, pretty big announcement: we have hit two thousand reads in a span of a little over two weeks.

That means we averaged ONE THOUSAND reads per week.

Really, that's amazing, and I can't think you guys enough for this milestone.

And back to the story, everybody :)


John: Fine

Seraphina: Sera


Isen: Certified Idiot

Blyke: pew pew lazer kid

Remi: Remiiiiiiiiii <3

Elaine: Bloobaree bich


Evie: Whereisboyfriend

• • •

Fine: okay I just threw him in the hospital I think he'll be fine

Fine: kind of wish he wouldn't be fine but whatever

Sera: so what did you tell the nurse when we attempted murder

Fine: you know what I told that bitch

Remiiiiiiiiii <3: Don't call doctors a bitch, you bitch!

Fine: oh shut the fuck up

Fine: on the topic of murder,

Fine: I told that nurse he jumped off of the roof to test if there was fall damage

Sera: damn, this guy's good

pew pew lazer kid: Asslo's in the hospital right now chanting an ungodly amount of "Fuck John Fuck John Fuck John"

Certified Idiot: it's pretty sad lmao

Fine: he already has a toy, besides, I already have a toy of my own ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Sera: no

Fine: goddamnit

Sera: at least wait until it's late at night

Sera: That's when the toys come alive, Johny boy~

Certified Idiot: Holy fucking shit she's crazy

Fine: I have also never seen her act this way

Sera: the hell you guys talking about

Fine: you know what,

Fine: roll credits

One "that never happened" later x2

Asslo: John, I'm going to destroy you.

Fine: did we not discuss how the highest you can be is that you're not using grammar

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