this is h e l l

300 12 20

It's literally four in the morning and I'm trying to get backup copies of every single one of these chapters

I've been doing this for nearly twenty minutes and haven't even finished

[I got all of the wbh chapters which is the sole thing I care about]

Anyways, give me hope I can actually not wait until my next alarm in the morning

• • •

Ok has changed their name to Fine.

Fine: everything was so much better than ok

Blick: so you're fine now?

Fine: I'm not a fucking art supply company

Blick: die

Fine: look at this

Fine: unoreversecard.jpg


Asslo: We're back at Wellston, you ungrateful pieces of fucking shit.

Fine: why are you in a bad mood

Asslo: I'm always in a bad mood, you fucker.

Fine: sera throw a piece of paper at him pls

Sera: hit him straight in the head lmaoooo

Fine: oh and it looks like demon child has awoken

Cecile: damnit I thought you killed him

Fine: ¯\_༼ •́ ͜ʖ •̀ ༽_/¯

Sera has reset all changes made to Isen's command settings.


Fine: yeah no one gives a fuck

Isen: fuck off bitch

Isen: wait you're not Blyke

Fine: make sure your door is locked tonight :)

Fine: imagine if the head of the press got murdered lolololol

Sera: we could throw him out of a window

Fine: meh that got boring after a while

Sera: hmmm

Sera: light him on fire?

Fine: sounds fun, let's try it

Isen: I'M OUT

Fine: classes will start in a week or so right

Sera: do you actually care?


Sera: yeah me either

Asslo: If you don't have high grades you won't get a good job.

Sera: who said I gave a fuck about some shitty job

Asslo: Live your own life.

Sera: yeah, I will, I definitely don't want to live yours you piece of shit

Fine: oh look it's Zeke

Sera: the fuck does he want

Fine: hm

Fine: it looks like he's trying to break the windows

Fine: god his hands are weak

Sera: it's Zeke what did you expect

wellston but hell | unOrdinary ChatficWhere stories live. Discover now