teddy bear has un-existed

203 13 4

Unimportant fact: I like milkshakes

My A/Ns have gotten fairly uninteresting, before I'd spend more time writing the A/N than the damn story

I think it may just be because I'm finding it hard to write these chapters so I'm focusing more on getting it done so I completely ignore the A/N

Anyways, enjoy the story or something, oh and vote on it so I can feel proud about it and write the next chapter a few months later

Sprained my ankle yesterday
Not a very fun experience

• • •

Blick: hey what's the warehouse back here

Fine: oh that

Fine: don't go in there

Fine: you'll regret it

Sera: where's my teddy bear

Fine: you mean the one with controls to nukes in it or the one I won you two years ago?

Blick: the teddy bear has fucking what in it?

Fine: nothing :)

Sera: the one you got me

Fine: ah it exploded with the plane


Fine: what

Fine: what's wrong


Fine: fairly sure that's because I got it for you

Isen: what the fuck are you guys talking about

Blick: I woke up to see the sunrise idk what they're talking about

Blick: remis still asleep

Fine: me and Sera are in the attic secret room

Isen: the fuckin what

Isen: so the secret room in the secret attic on the secret island

Blick: that's a lot of secrets

Fine: Sera

Sera: yeah?

Fine: I can do some ability shit and get you that teddy bear back if you want

Sera: pls

Sera: yay

Fine: okay now time won't be stopped for two months

Blick: what

Fine: it can get worse

Fine: it has been worse

Fine: before I had resistance to her time stop she told me she stopped time for half a year in the school

Fine: and no one figured out

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